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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bumping an old thread here... any gals (or guys?) play with a naval piercing? The last couple months mine keep getting caught on the inside of my pants while I'm playing and they keep tearing, especially with my goalie pants since the straps are right on my naval. Anything you can do to keep it/them from snagging?

I'd think you could use a large bandaid to cover it couldn't you? Those large square ones maybe?

Is it one of those dangly ones? You could switch it out for a stud when you play...I'd think that's less likely to get caught up in gear.

No, I don't wear dangly piercings, I have my naval pierced 3 times. I would take it out, but with having 3 piercings theyre a pain in the ass to take out and put back in

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my only piercing is in the cartalige of my ear and I take it out. I don't know why most of you guys don't. Keeping anything sharp and metal in your body while playing hockey isn't the smartest idea.

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