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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Glove Manufacturer Question

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This might be a strange question to ask here, but there seems to be a lot of people on this forum who know a lot about the hockey equipment industry....so I'm gonna ask just in case anyone knows.

There seems to be one company in Canada who produces hockey gloves for multiple companies (ex. Fury?, Eagle?, Flight?...maybe more, maybe not these I don't really know). Has anyone ever heard the name of this company or know where it is located?

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Don't know if this is exactly related, but I am curious about Saw Sports. I have had numerous gloves from different companies with a "made by Saw Sports" tag. Anybody know where this factory is located in Canada?

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Don't know if this is exactly related, but I am curious about Saw Sports. I have had numerous gloves from different companies with a "made by Saw Sports" tag. Anybody know where this factory is located in Canada?

Bought out by Easton.

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I had a hunch it was Easton. I had some old Easton Air pro glo gloves with that tag. I thought these gloves were more comfortable and lasted longer than the other Easton gloves made that year (I think some were made in Vietnam). I forgot the other brands I had that were made by Saw Sports, but I think the Sande Max-Q's were one of them.

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This might be a strange question to ask here, but there seems to be a lot of people on this forum who know a lot about the hockey equipment industry....so I'm gonna ask just in case anyone knows.

There seems to be one company in Canada who produces hockey gloves for multiple companies (ex. Fury?, Eagle?, Flight?...maybe more, maybe not these I don't really know). Has anyone ever heard the name of this company or know where it is located?

Saw used to make alot of gloves, but Eagle wasnt one of them. Eagles gloves are made by Eagle.

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They must have got smart and changed for 2005, all their models I got for 2004 were chinese, the 2900, etc, + all their skates. I would never stock Flite in my store again, biggest flop as a seller.

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