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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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It's the 15th, where are the L-2s?

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They have been popping out alot latelly in the NHL. I've also seen an add on TV during the showing of the Quebec PeeWee International Tournament that said when you bought a new pair of 500 you would get a free one piece or 2 piece and they showed the L-2 (it was about a month ago) so maybe it's been out in Quebec for a couple of weeks.

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Not out yet....They are delayed right now...There are some kinks that need to be worked out...Don't want to deliver a product to market that has any issues...Especially sticks...

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Release dates are almost never set by the people who actually design or build products, it's usually the sales or marketing folks.

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Guest 2048

I'm curious, is there a reason it was planned to be released on tax day?

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Orginally it was supposed to be by 3/1...Dates for stick release are usually good for us, but have some issues that needed to be fixed before the sticks went to market...Those have since been figured out, and now we are runnning production...

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Orginally it was supposed to be by 3/1...Dates for stick release are usually good for us, but have some issues that needed to be fixed before the sticks went to market...Those have since been figured out, and now we are runnning production...

Mind if I ask what the issues were? It won't deter me from buying the shaft, just wonder what that means when manufacturers say that. I am glad Mission worked these out before they are released rather than producing a half rate first product run.

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Justin, I'l be at Livonia Perani's at the very end of this month, any hope in me being able to buy the stick there or will they still not be distributed yet?

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Orginally it was supposed to be by 3/1...Dates for stick release are usually good for us, but have some issues that needed to be fixed before the sticks went to market...Those have since been figured out, and now we are runnning production...

Mind if I ask what the issues were? It won't deter me from buying the shaft, just wonder what that means when manufacturers say that. I am glad Mission worked these out before they are released rather than producing a half rate first product run.

I am sure that he wanted to elaborate on them, he would. However, I know he won't.

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The 169 would be for the chaft and the 2 blade combo, right?

I think so but I'm not really sure... I would assume the combo.

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I thought I read somewhere that not many places would sell the 2 blades with the shaft, or would it be "illegal" for them to sell everything seperatly.

Yeah I heard that too. Are they going to sell blades and shafts individually at all though?

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