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Top 10 Goal Scorers of The 1990's

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Right now on NHL.com they have a recording of "Top 10 Goal Scorers of the 1990's." Its over 22 minutes long, but those who are craving hockey, this is for you.

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that jagr one is so disgusting, where hes on the ground and still manages to bat the puck into the net.

ya.. that goal is pretty sick!! that's gotta take some skill to pull that off

i also like robitaille's backhand goal while lying on the ground

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that jagr one is so disgusting, where hes on the ground and still manages to bat the puck into the net.

ya.. that goal is pretty sick!! that's gotta take some skill to pull that off

i also like robitaille's backhand goal while lying on the ground

Yeah that was insane. The Jagr one was pretty sick too.

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Where the hell was Bure?

Thats what I was thinking. And Mogilny to a lesser extent. I would have never thought of Turgeon.

yeah i think so too, when i saw turgon i was like 'damn, if he is #7, who will come next...'

but then i was kinda disappointed :angry::ph34r:

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There were a couple names I thought were missing, but they were the 10 highest goal scorers from 90-99.

Pierre Turgeon though???? I alway remembered him as a Craig Janney kinda guy.

Love the sounds of the old buildings, nothing like the Chicago crowd/organ on a big goal.

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Where the hell was Bure?

I know. He was definately one of the top ten in the 90's.

Dantheman-I think that Steve Larimer seriously almost assist every Roenick goal

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yeah i saved this video to my computer and i will probably watch it over and over -

i think larmer did assist everyone of roenicks goals - and saku koivu assisted all of recchi's (the montreal ones)

i still remember the days of jagr, kovalev, lemieux, straka, lang - man do i miss them

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yeah i saved this video to my computer and i will probably watch it over and over -

i think larmer did assist everyone of roenicks goals - and saku koivu assisted all of recchi's (the montreal ones)

i still remember the days of jagr, kovalev, lemieux, straka, lang - man do i miss them

how'd you save it?

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