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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing rubber foam

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Hi there,

ive got a bauer helmet (4000L) and the inner rubber foam is discolored, cause on carnival i had colored hair and i played some matches and due the sweat the color floated into the foam and now it looks kinda fugly.

thanks so far.

im kinda tired, ask if you dont understand something :)


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can you even buy replacement foam for the 4000?

thats what i wanna know

is the foam messed up, or just the color? if it is just the color why would you want to replace it?

it looks really f*cked up :\

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can't get replacement foam for helmets... voids the certifications, and companies don't even offer new foam liners. either gonna have to live with the color, or buy a new one. sorry!

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can't get replacement foam for helmets... voids the certifications, and companies don't even offer new foam liners. either gonna have to live with the color, or buy a new one. sorry!

Even though he's my brother, he acutally knows what he's talking about...

If the foam in your helmet is "dried out" at all, cracked, harder than it's supposed to be, or in any way--other than color--different than it's supposed to be, get a new helmet. If it's just the color, than it's fine... and don't dye your hair anymore!!!

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voids the warrenty... we are talking about basically the most important part of your body to protect... if there is an issue with padding, get a new helmet... $100, or a trip to the morgue... which is more costly!

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haha ;)

well its ok for me.. i got the blue dye rubbed out, now theres just the name of the old owner... i dont mind it actually.

in the next season (or in the 5 month long summerbreak i will buy a new one)

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Hi there,

ive got a bauer helmet (4000L) and the inner rubber foam is discolored, cause on carnival i had colored hair and i played some matches and due the sweat the color floated into the foam and now it looks kinda fugly.

thanks so far.

im kinda tired, ask if you dont understand something :)


Your helmet seems to have alot of problems, I say replace it.

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i guess your right..

the season's almost over, just 2 friendly's and 1 tournament.. i'll dump the helmet after these matches

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voids the warrenty... we are talking about basically the most important part of your body to protect... if there is an issue with padding, get a new helmet... $100, or a trip to the morgue... which is more costly!

So you're saying I shouldn't take the foam out of my old HT2 and put it in my Jofa 235? ;)

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So you're saying I shouldn't take the foam out of my old HT2 and put it in my Jofa 235? ;)

better yet, i think i should take the foam out of my dads OLD Northland Stan Makita II and put it in any helmet... most comfortable thing ever!

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you got me curious.. lets see a pic of this helmet

here you go:




as i said, i rubbed a lot of this blue dye out, almost the complete foam-thing where the name is was blue and this name there isnt mine :)

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You have to approach this scientifically. You died your hair,played some hockey, and the foam got colored.

So the logical solution: you die your hair white, play some more hockey, and the foam gets colored back to white.

End of problem!

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haha no i bought the helmet via ebay and the description said "new, no defects" blabla

when i got i was like shocked but i was too lazy to send it back and stuff since i needed a helmet at this time.

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