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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MSN virus?

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I did, but then it came up the "run, save" options and I canceled. Just wondering what the hell it was because I've seen files come over to accept but never a link.

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i clicked it, :(. then i did like 3 virus scans using norton, mcaffe, and an online one. it detected it and deleted it.

if you clicked it, just scan your computer.

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I had clicked it but didn't save it or run it, but ran Norton and came up clean *knock on wood.*

I must know goons because another person started trying to send me J-Lo stuff with.scr as the extension and some other crap.

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Ya I had that. The guy then hacks your email and talks to people in it trying to send them that file. He got into my friend Stu's email and sent a whole bunch of spam and stuff out.

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