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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro Flexes

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I know we've done a thread about average pro flex, but how about what specific players use. Only post if you've confirmed the flex not just guesses.

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Kaberle 250 Inno

Roberts 260 Inno

Zamuner Stiff Vector

Corson Stiff TPS

Hull... Obviously varies, but I had an 80 Easton UL Painted like a Z-bubble

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brett hull uses 62 easton flex.. i seen a interview with him and they asked him waht flex he uses and he said 62 on the easton scale

I just ordered an Inno 1100 420 flex shaft and am curius as too see what flex the 420 is on the Easton scale. Thanks in advance.

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brett hull uses 62 easton flex.. i seen a interview with him and they asked him waht flex he uses and he said 62 on the easton scale

I just ordered an Inno 1100 420 flex shaft and am curius as too see what flex the 420 is on the Easton scale. Thanks in advance.

Geeze, is it a senior? I had a 300 and I thought it was whippy..

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brett hull uses 62 easton flex.. i seen a interview with him and they asked him waht flex he uses and he said 62 on the easton scale

He did say that, and he probably still does, but he has had stiffer sticks (not stiff, but moreso than the 62's) and he may go back.

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Steve Sullivan used to use TPS R, now using TPS SW.

Modano, Sakic and Yzerman all used to use 95.

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brett hull uses 62 easton flex.. i seen a interview with him and they asked him waht flex he uses and he said 62 on the easton scale

I just ordered an Inno 1100 420 flex shaft and am curius as too see what flex the 420 is on the Easton scale. Thanks in advance.

Its probbly gonna be about a 75, I have a 440 and its a 70 on the Easton scale.

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I saw once for one of the all star games, they asked Brett Hull to flex his Rubber, and it was bending like crazy. It was like this- ) - but a little more

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What flex does chara use it would have to be like at least 130.

120 last I heard, but I'm not sure if anyone has actually used his shafts.

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yes 120 Flex, Boughner(sp) is also using 120 flex.

Cale Hulse used 120 "cyclones" then had S flex Responses.

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My LHS has a Chara pro stock Cyclone shaft, its a 140 flex

It actually says 140 flex? How much? Is it his Cyclone or something else?

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Yzerman-NOW uses an 85 flex

Bourque (Chris)-95 flex

Sakic-85 flex

Gagne- 112 flex

Kovalchuk-87 flex

Sullivan-85 flex (Easton)

Drury-100 flex

Richards-100 flex

St. Louis-95 flex

Roenick-100 flex

Williams-110 flex

That's all I got.

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a guy i know had one of the pro stock chara 140 cyclones. it exploded the first time he used it, stiffer doesnt always mean more durable....

marian hossa-102 bauer

todd white-102 flex bauer, 100 easton

daniel alfredsson-100 easton, 260 hespeler(inno)

theoren fleury-100 easton, i know he used a crazy whippy nike for ahwile though

clark wilm-110 easton

mike fisher-100 easton(retail sakic)

karel rachunek-112 bauer

dany heatley-110 easton, x stiff ccm

jarome iginla-100 easton (last time i saw)

peter schaefer-95 easton, i saw one of his cyclones, i dunno what his innos are

todd bertuzzi-easton 110, bauer 112

mike comrie-100 easton (when he played for edmonton)

eric lindros-112 bauer

those arent all ive seen, ill think of more evetually. id like too know what lecavalier, nash, havlat and zednik use if anybody has an idea..thanks

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i have drury's old tflex - 85

that differs from the above post that said he uses a 100 - maybe he changed. i also have held a hejduk whne he used ultra lites - also 85.

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