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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shops in montreal

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Probably all the Rousseau stores around the Montreal region. Huge hockey stores.


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yea rousseau is maybe the biggest store(but the biggest is in LAVAL)...but there no inno in QUEBEC....so every store you go to...you will propably find the same stock at every hockey store!!

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When I lived in Montreal and even after I moved I would visit the store I always went to was called Maison Du Sports. Thats in Dollard-Des-Ormeaux and i dont know if its still there anymore. Other stores besides Rousseau were fraisers sports and sports excellence (lower end stuff there).

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I was wondering if there are any hockey stores near


"South Shore" Brossard suburb of Montreal.


I had a friend just come back and all she went to was sports experts and even the big outlet store too but there was hardly any hockey stuff. I was like "huh?" So all I got was some black tape. :(

So anyways she is going back in January/february....I know a long time but I have to post it soon or I will forget about it.

Also the costco in montreal should stock up on some good hockey gloves right in the winter?

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costco IMO is for Cheap stuff...like my canada hockey bag at 20$ lol...Brossard is not in Montreal...so they might not have a good selection...

There one at Verdun(near brossard) and one at brossard i think...go ot t'blades.com and they will tell you the retailer in Quebec...

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i hate to bring up an old thread but its better thne starting a new one.

so im going to montreal in a few weeks and i was wondering if any shops had pro return stick/shafts/blades, gloves or anything else?


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I did like every store in the main montreal and west section of montreal...and really there nothing more than reg comp!!...no inno carrier...just big store like rousseau but with all normal stuff...no big deal...for pro-stock only store i know who has like maybe 5-6 different curve are on Vapor XX and response rubber all Left handed...

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Pro returns are pretty rare. I've seen XXs a year or two ago but mostly its Komisarek syns or Souray's old sticks.

i would have to agree, there arn't very many pro-stock sticks in the montreal area. I dont think i have ever been to a store in the montreal area that has more than abour 4 or 5 sticks. There pretty hard to come bye in this area

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