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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Putting an Oakley visor on a bauer 5000

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I just picked up a new bauer 5000, and an oakley visor. pro straight cut. i've tried putting it on, but the holes in the visor dont line up with the helmet. any tips?

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IT will fit. Try to put the top holes in first, barely thread it in. Then pull it outward and do the same with the bottom ones. I wore a 5000/1Xcel-Oakley combo for years.

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It's a little easier to get it on the helmet if you use plastic spacers between the visor and the helmet. It also keeps the helmet from bowing out so much to the visor.

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It's a little easier to get it on the helmet if you use plastic spacers between the visor and the helmet. It also keeps the helmet from bowing out so much to the visor.

I switched to Itech because they come with the spacers. I destroyed a couple of helmets with the Oakleys before I switched.

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It's a little easier to get it on the helmet if you use plastic spacers between the visor and the helmet.  It also keeps the helmet from bowing out so much to the visor.

I switched to Itech because they come with the spacers. I destroyed a couple of helmets with the Oakleys before I switched.

You can get them at the local hardware store for like $0.50. All they are is plastic washers.

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It's a little easier to get it on the helmet if you use plastic spacers between the visor and the helmet.  It also keeps the helmet from bowing out so much to the visor.

I switched to Itech because they come with the spacers. I destroyed a couple of helmets with the Oakleys before I switched.

You can get them at the local hardware store for like $0.50. All they are is plastic washers.

Itechs are cheaper too.

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True. I prefer the Oakley modified because it is a little wider and also sits a little further away from this honker of a nose.

I "trimmed" my HS22. I'll probably go with the wave from now on though. I loved the straight small from Oakley, I wish Itech had a similarly small design. Their new aviator is pretty lame.

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It's a little easier to get it on the helmet if you use plastic spacers between the visor and the helmet.  It also keeps the helmet from bowing out so much to the visor.

I switched to Itech because they come with the spacers. I destroyed a couple of helmets with the Oakleys before I switched.

Can you post some pics of your spacers, so I can get a picture of their size? I guess I should try those since I just installed Oakley Pro Straight to Bauer 5000M and it's pulling the helmet from sides like crazy.

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i agree, just simple washers are very easy to find especially sitting around a hockey shop. i recently installed a oakley visor and it was kind of a pain to put on but it ended up working.

i liked the look of it so much that i might switch to a visor instead of the full cage.

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So those washers are metallic? Or plastic? :huh:


If you can't find them, you can get nylon nuts at home depot or Lowes that will fit on the screw and serve the same purpose. You may have to get a longer screw for it to work though.

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