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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Been waiting forever... but I FINALLY got..

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My Sidney Crosby XXL jersey!!!!!!! (soooooooooooo f'in happy) doesn't take much eh? LOL I have been looking for a XXL (without paying 169.99+tax on official rimouski site) on ebay forever.. and just yesterday I walked into my local hockey store and BAM! there she was.... lol I JUST HAD TO GET IT! lol

anyways here's proof .. lol


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Yeah, I've been combing ebay for one, there was a small the other day  :(

Yea they don't even have any CCM logos, CHL and LHJMQ Logo like mine. Mine is like the official without a fighting strap.. lol.. got mine for 120+tax was too good a deal to pass up :)

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Not sure, probably the same price. If i am not mistaken they are the RBK ones? I'll double check for you tomorrow, that's if I have a job.

:o why wouldn't you have a job?

Thanks for checkin..


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The CCM catelogue you say??  Hmmm too bad that's the only one that's not scanned.

I'm getting tired of your complaints about it. usually I just delete your complaints, but not today. If anything, your complaining makes it less likely that it will ever get done.

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The CCM catelogue you say??  Hmmm too bad that's the only one that's not scanned.

Like I have said before, I do not have a scanner.

It's amazing how much you guys beg and beg...we do not get paid to do this. In fact, we pay to do this.

Why not try the CCM forum?

Oh, I forgot. You guys come over here to find out about product.

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