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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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"Our Game to Give" in Hamilton

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Really want to see this "Heritage" style event, but it is only being televised April 2nd on TSN...cannot get in the states.

I agree. If there is someone that could tape it and send me a copy of it, that'd be wonderful.

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From ticketmaster:

A portion of the proceeds will go to The Canadian Red Cross,

Camp Trillium and the Tsunami Relief effort


Doug Gilmour, Steve Staios,Joe Niewendyk and Martin Brodeur just to name a few!

Mr. Hockey, Gordie Howe will drop the opening face-off

Terry Crisp, former NHL Coach and Danny McMannus of the Ti-Cats co-coaches of the Home Team

Westjet/BMO providing "Thundersticks" to all fans

Other Confirmed Players:

Darcy Tucker, Shayne Corson, Rob Blake, Todd Harvey,

Mats Sundin, Ryan Smyth, Jason Smith, Eric Brewer, Mike Modano, Randy McKay,

Mike Comrie, Brad May, Glenn Anderson, Chris Kontos, Adam Mair,

Clark Gillies, Mike Vanderjaagt, Steven Rice, Curtis Joseph, Lyle Odelein,

Bryan McCabe, Scott Walker,Ric Nattress, Adam Graves and Todd Bertuzzi.

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lyle odelein? As cherry would put it, "great little grinder, boy do i love that guy"

odelein IMO holds the biggest plug award with peluso, driver, and bester

but its nice that smyth is putting proceeds to red cross

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lyle odelein? As cherry would put it, "great little grinder, boy do i love that guy"

odelein IMO holds the biggest plug award with peluso, driver, and bester

but its nice that smyth is putting proceeds to red cross


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lyle odelein? As cherry would put it, "great little grinder, boy do i love that guy"

odelein IMO holds the biggest plug award with peluso, driver, and bester

but its nice that smyth is putting proceeds to red cross


Hahaha...that was Barnaby wasn't it?

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odelein IMO holds the biggest plug award with peluso, driver, and bester

...You don't like (former) Devils, do you?

Yeah, JR. It was indeed Barnaby who tagged Lyle "Cornelius" back when they had their little spat during the playoffs a few years ago...I remember it well: After Lyle took a shot at Matt's wife, Barnaby warned him, siting her Italian background... :angry:

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Well Im going to this tonite, should be fun. Tickets ended up being 16 dollars canadian each. cheap hey? I'll let you know how it is.

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