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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf toe cap?

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i always wondered the same thing. How nice would some great whites look if they had the gretzky-nike style white toe cap???

Funny you should mention that.. a guy at work went to an elite league game to see nash play and in one of the pics there's a guy in grafs with a white toe cap. So I guess it's possible, at least in europe..

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kovy, i think we share the white-skate fetish, lol.

I've been debating on whether to get me a nice white iceskate to go along w/ my 950's, but I unfortunately don't get on the ice all that often, so I'm trying my best to refrain from dropping all that money on some custom grafs.

I HAVE had my eyes on a pair of 502SE's w/ lightspeeds though :ph34r:

If they do in fact offer a white toe-cap as an option, I might have no choice but to break the bank :D

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I dont know though, you can for sure over do a skate with the white. Im sure you have all seen the white lightnings and those are the fugliest skates ever.

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I have a bad white skate fetish. my ice skates are 795 tacks and my inlines are he950s

plus I'm always looking on ebay for air accel elites in good condition.

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I have a bad white skate fetish. my ice skates are 795 tacks and my inlines are he950s

plus I'm always looking on ebay for air accel elites in good condition.

I miss my 795s.

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I have a bad white skate fetish. my ice skates are 795 tacks and my inlines are he950s

plus I'm always looking on ebay for air accel elites in good condition.

How looks the air accel elite...Do you have some pics?

If some members see some nice white skates on ebay or anywhere it would be fine to post it on the board.

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I have a bad white skate fetish. my ice skates are 795 tacks and my inlines are he950s

plus I'm always looking on ebay for air accel elites in good condition.

How looks the air accel elite...Do you have some pics?

If some members see some nice white skates on ebay or anywhere it would be fine to post it on the board.


You're a size 9 right? White toe cap and everything :).

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I have a bad white skate fetish. my ice skates are 795 tacks and my inlines are he950s

plus I'm always looking on ebay for air accel elites in good condition.

How looks the air accel elite...Do you have some pics?

If some members see some nice white skates on ebay or anywhere it would be fine to post it on the board.


air accel elite. also known as "the fedorov skates"

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oh wow, the original ones. I forgot all about those. the first few guys to wear nike gloves also had some real ugly mitts.

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Anna probably designed them while she was trying to get her fashion design carreer off the ground.....the word "whipped" comes to mind :rolleyes:

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Wasn't that around the 95/96 season....just about the time Sergei would be trying to outpimp Pavel, to get the attention of a 15 year old?

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