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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shock Doctor vs. Superfeet Grey

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Anyone who has used both, which do you think is better in terms of: 1) cushioning, 2) arch support, and 3) overall comfort. I am going to be getting one or the other for my S500s, and I want to know which I would be better off getting. There are probably not many of you who have used both, so if you have only used one of them you don't need to respond because you'll obviously be bias towards the one you've used. I want a comparison between the two, not someone bragging about the one they use.

Thanks for the help.

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have both

super feet way better

well.. not way better but the diff is significant enough that i could acutally feel

when im skating of superfeet, i actually do not feel my feet skating with the skates at all. the skate, whether my feet hurts or not etc, does not even come to mind.

both of them don't really have any cushining

superfeet has better arch support

superfeet is more confrotable as well

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I threw the SD in my S500s and they were just horrible. Too thick with the heel lift it has - keep in mind SuppleFit skates have contoured ankles. I'd do Superfeet.

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I have both as well

The shockdoctors don't seem to fit my feet well, it feels artificial and I can't seem to break them in to the way I want. They feel good in the store, not in the skates, but when I put them in my skates, It just doesn't feel good. The bumps are in the wrong spots and it makes my arch hurt. I wouldn't buy them again.

My superfeet are amazing. Extremely comfortable, just the right rigidity, and I switch them in and out my ice and roller skates. I also use them in my shoes. Absolutely love them. No durability problems either and I wear them lots (in my normal day to day shoes).

As for cushioning, I don't notice any negatives on the superfeet. Looking at mine, there is minimal padding, but I don't seem to mind. The Shockdocktors are thicker and probably offer more cushioning, but IMO it changes the fit of the skate and makes the skate too small.

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I have both, I like the shockdoctors better. But I have a pretty flat foot and the Superfeet had a fairly high arch. By the way, I'm using my shockdoctors in 8090s.

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I used to have the shockdr's and i thought they were so cool (imagination ... :lol:) but yesterday i got superfeets (funny story below) and .. BANG ! Oh man these insoles are just awesome.

They look like nothing - even compared to the shockdoctors which have ups and downs and this n that (some hightech insole) - but they are like gold. My feet are so comfy in the skate !

Just wanted to inform you, even if you dont care.. heh

Hey another cool story.

I got the superfeets from ebay.de (germany) for EUR 1.50 (which is like $2) ^_^ Its so funny, i wanted to order them for approx. $30 from hockeymonkey/giant but shipping was too expensive !


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the superfeet insoles are the best thing you could get. bauer used to use them in there older skates but they became too costly. the superfeet insole was actually designed my dr's who make orthodics so its very rigid on the bottom for support in the heel since thats where all the power from a skater is derived from

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I currently use the Shock Doctors ( originals bought a few years ago) and do like the firm feeling they have, but I need a little arch support and they don't give any. I tried over the counter insoles with arch supports by they have too high a heel. Are the Superfeet heels as low as the Shock Doctors, or lower?

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am currently using some s500 skates, and like JR said, they have a contoured ankle... once any type of insoles are put in, i feel like I'm floating, and have no ankle support... maybe you could borrow someone's to try first?

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How do you know when its time to get new SF? Mine are pretty old and have gotten to the point where I have indents of my toes in them. I guess its time to get new ones eh? Will anything happen (performance etc) wise if I keep using them? Ive been using them like this for a few months

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I use superfeet, was recommended by OTG back in November and couldn't be happier. I no longer feel pain in my arches even when I tied it really tight in the middle

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This topic was fading but I figured I'd not start a new one since this is related.

In my 1062's I feel that I drag my heel quite a bit, lots of noise from back there and it seems I'm off balance to the rear. I've searched and can't find info regarding if the ProLite 3 was pitched forward or back so I can't answer my own question. Now, if the are flat or pitched to the rear, would a pair of superfeet help put me a bit more forward?

I've thought about a profile, but I'm D league level, if that. Also, the local Perani's has sharpened me twice off center (man, what bad customer service too) and I don't trust the local HS kids working at the rinks.

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It doesn't matter what skill level you are..profiling will help you out. As for your pitch problems, i don't know how much insoles will help with that. I would go with heel lifts.

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How do you know when its time to get new SF? Mine are pretty old and have gotten to the point where I have indents of my toes in them. I guess its time to get new ones eh? Will anything happen (performance etc) wise if I keep using them? Ive been using them like this for a few months

MissD used hers for 2 seasons... although she had toe indentations, the toe area is really just comfort rather than support. The critical thing to look at is if the arch and heel support is still firm. I tend to change them when I change the skates... whether they need to be changed or not.

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