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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I spend so much money on good equipment....how is it that the puck ALWAY manages to find a spot on my body not covered by pads?

Last month I took a slapshot right in the stomach and it hit in the 2 inch area between my Shoulder pads and my breezers. The bruise was so clear that you could see the rectangle of the side of the puck.

My 10 yr old boy (who is a funny kid) said

"Look dad...it says made in Checzhoslovakia on your stomach"

Last night, I blocked a break out pass with the palm of my hand and it turned the fleshy part of my thumb to hamburger.

I guess you can't protect everything

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haha your son is really funny, i could have said that too :)

btw our pucks have "made in slovakia" on em

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Usually I am square to the shooter and I get the shots on my shins so no problem. First time I turn around to check someone rather than go for the shooter I get the puck right where the ankles are. OUCH! I always thought the skates would have enough padding but near the ankes, there aren't much. I felt like the ankle was broken. That was pain, man!

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ya I ve had a lot of problems with my tailbone. Does anyone know how I could prevent injuries. It looks like some pants mostly nikes has some tailbone pretection

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Any other centers here have trouble with the other guy's stick getting caught up underneath your pants? We were playing against some team from the Toronto area about the middle of last month; every-so-often the center would try to tie me up and let his winger dart in and pluck the puck out from between us (it got old quick - pretty predictable - I just had to let him drive me backwards, reach around with my left (top) hand and yank the puck back to the point/corner, depending on where the faceoff was. One of them had a real knack for getting his stick up inside my pants into an area where I actually had to grab the shaft with my hand and pull it out before I could move at all...I've still got a pretty good scar on my right leg, just a few inches below Travis, Bob and Peter...

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Last season I got hit four times just below the second eyelet on my right sakte. Every time it was just about healed, I'd get plugged again.

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I ALWAYS get hit on the inner part of my elbow where there's no protection. Usually it's just a really bad hook, but it's been a puck once or twice.

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Yesterday I was chasing a guy down the ice to a loose puck soon as he got it he spun and shot it back up the ice, from about 4 feet away I took the puck to the inside of the thigh. What sucks is I dont zip the inside of my pants :-(. I hate when I'm retarded and try to catch hard shots with the palm of my hand too.

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most leagues are making it a rule you have to zip your pants. have anyone ever notice that no pros, ohl'ers, or college players unzip their pants? also i like to put the toe of my sick behind the tendon guard of opposing players skates, works like a charm to dram them into a penalty or to drop em

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most leagues are making it a rule you have to zip your pants. have anyone ever notice that no pros, ohl'ers, or college players unzip their pants? also i like to put the toe of my sick behind the tendon guard of opposing players skates, works like a charm to dram them into a penalty or to drop em

we have to do the zippers up i hated it at frist but i am use to it know. i hate gettin hooked in the mid-section. another dirty move in front the net is giving a little slash on the top of the skate not hard or nething but man it hurts like a SOB

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most leagues are making it a rule you have to zip your pants. have anyone ever notice that no pros, ohl'ers, or college players unzip their pants? also i like to put the toe of my sick behind the tendon guard of opposing players skates, works like a charm to dram them into a penalty or to drop em

I think it was CCM who had a nice little "cheater" flap on the new pants.

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ya I ve had a lot of problems with my tailbone. Does anyone know how I could prevent injuries. It looks like some pants mostly nikes has some tailbone pretection

Other than Chadd's problem (getting hit near the top eyelets), this is my number one painful bruise.

I've killed my tailbone before many times, but (as goofy as this may sound) has anyone gotten a really nasty butt bruise? Not the tailbone, but right on the cheek? Just a week ago tonight myself and another player were going full tilt and we both got tied up and fell. I guess I landed correctly since the ol' arse is the most naturally padded part of the body. But between his 200+ lbs. and my 170 all crashing down onto one ass cheek, it hurt like hell. Now when I sit, it feels like a softball size lump in there. Hope it's not a tuma....

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ya I ve had a lot of problems with my tailbone. Does anyone know how I could prevent injuries. It looks like some pants mostly nikes has some tailbone pretection

Other than Chadd's problem (getting hit near the top eyelets), this is my number one painful bruise.

I've killed my tailbone before many times, but (as goofy as this may sound) has anyone gotten a really nasty butt bruise? Not the tailbone, but right on the cheek? Just a week ago tonight myself and another player were going full tilt and we both got tied up and fell. I guess I landed correctly since the ol' arse is the most naturally padded part of the body. But between his 200+ lbs. and my 170 all crashing down onto one ass cheek, it hurt like hell. Now when I sit, it feels like a softball size lump in there. Hope it's not a tuma....

yea, on my 21st birthday after all the "FUN" my friends took me over to the rink and started feeding me one timers. I kept falling down and has a bruise the size of my wallet on my butt ;)

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I seem to be bruised alot too, even for my peach like skin, but I always account it to dirty leagues. It seems I tend to have alot of graphite rectangles on the back of my legs and wrists.

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I got a cross check between the shoulder pads and elbows and it left a nice easton shaped bruise on my arm, and in the same game I managed to get speared up near the jimmies and I had a nice green blade end shaped bruise on my upper thigh. Other than that game and maybe a few wrist bruises I've been ok [knock on wood]

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MAYBE it just happens that whenever we get hit where there's protection we don't notice it and don't remember it well because we don't feel it as much then when we get hit where there's no protection it hurts and you can actually feel it and remember it.So basically it's a mental thing.That's a good explaination for everything. :ph34r:

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Im the dumbass to grap the slapshots open palmed lol

oh yeah i share this pain with you...

lol its like something shiney and i just have to grab it my hands get some sick ass bruises

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