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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Weights

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I've never used them, a few of my friends have, but I figure wouldn't it just increase momentum? If you lift weights I don't see how these improve your skating any.

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I am not too sure if they work.... I have a free pair coming in soon from one of my friends so i will let you know how they go. I guess it would make it harder to lift your skates and improve your strength, but i really don't know

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Every powerskating instructor I've ever spoken with has been against them.

I kind of suspected this. Seems like they would just reduce your footspeed, creating an illusion of speed when you take them off. overspeed training is probably a better option.

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Every powerskating instructor I've ever spoken with has been against them.

Any reason in particular?

It generally forces people to pull off the ice harder, rather than push harder. Thus when people take them off for games, they lift their heels more off the ice in a "running" motion more so than a proper skating motion.

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I was always told if you entertain the idea of skate weights to just get ankle weights and go jogging, then skate normally.

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Both ankle and skate weights are not good for your knees at all.

Overspeed training is much better than skate weights. Try wearing a harness with a friend holding on to the end of it while laying on the ice and drag him around the rink...you will see great results.

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the only good i can see for the skate weights is maybe in quick feet drills, maybe stops and starts and stuff. Other than that, i really don't see any point

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well, coming from someone that used them for four years playing, and three years coaching... we were just about always the fastest team on the ice.

from those teams, we tested speed and agility at the beginning and end of every season... just about every player got faster times in every drill.

the one pound will not put effect on your knees.

the team that i coached, used the weights for seven years as a team, won three state titles, and two national titles... but the best part is that we beat teams mostly because we were faster then them.

from personal experience, they work.

and the team that i will be coaching next season, will be wearing them!

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