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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I was looking into buying a Shanahan blade, but have a quick question. On the MSH blade chart it lists the Shanny as a moderate mid-toe curve, but on the EPuck blade chart it lists it as a deep toe curve.

Which one is more correct, the EPuck blade chart (deep toe) or MSH blade chart (moderate mid-toe)?


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Everyone has different opinions on curves. Personal experience is the best way to judge.

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My friend has one, and when I saw it it looked more like a mid-moderate. Then again I am a lefty and he is a righty. And its harder for me to identify right handed curves.............

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The Shanny's been out for a while - shouldn't be a problem finding an image on the web.... in fact..... why, here's one right here!


(not the greatest pic, but at least will serve for a basis of reference)

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man i used to love the shanahan when i played bantam AA, then some kids on my midget AAA team showed me the modano and ive stuck with it since. im thinking about going back to shanny, anyone using it right now? or know any clones?

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The Shanny´s I came across were not even close to that picture...much more mild.....to me it seems more of a mid curve...but maybe thats just because I mainly use euro-hooks

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