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Hirsch's after game empty netter...

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Could someone please explain what the hell was going on in that?

Only he knows for sure.

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My computer isnt able to load the link, what happened???

after the game, hirsch decided to be "Cool" and skate from center ice all the way to about 4 feet from the goal and take a slapshot, then to make it worse, jumps onto the net, sending it flying to the boards...then as he was skating off, he put his stick on the center ice dot and then skated off

Nice sportsmanship eh?

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He's lucky he didn't hurt himslef with that jump into the net thing. But what actually happened...did he have a goal disallowed during the game, that he wanted to "make up" for...did they get blown out. Did he leave then come back onto the ice...

Set up the rest of the story please, or post the link to the other thread if hte story has already been posted....

[EDIT] What league did this happen in? Someone mentiuoned 67's in an earlier post, but there is no Hirsch on the Ottawa 67's???? Was it a team they were playing?

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minnesota lost 3-0 to Colorado College, and there was a goal dissallowed, but it was by Howe, not Hirsch. Apparently Hirsch was having a lot of personal issues, then I guess the loss pushed him over and he just snapped. I also heard that after that game he quit, but was skating in practice the next week, but it's unknown if he'll play the rest of the year.

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I do not think it was trying to be cool. It had some sort of religious context. USHR.com reported he had been moved by "the passion of Christ" Mel Gibson movie, was crying on the bench, and has since been hospitalized. I think we need to show some compassion and remember him in our prayers.

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I do not think it was trying to be cool. It had some sort of religious context. USHR.com reported he had been moved by "the passion of Christ" Mel Gibson movie, was crying on the bench, and has since been hospitalized. I think we need to show some compassion and remember him in our prayers.

this sounds like horse shit to me. Sorry, it just does.

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He had a nervous breakdown and lost it. End of story...

probably best to leave it at that.

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