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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hairline crack on shaft

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Hey guys, i just bought my R2 last week and tonight was the first time i used it in a pickup game. Being anal, was i wasn't involved in any hacking with sticks or anything although my shaft got hit once with a weak slash as well as it took a couple of pucks.

After the game I inspected my stick and found what seems to be a small horizontal (running across the shaft) hairline crack on my R2. The questions are: should I worry? Right now i'm worried that if it's a crack it might spread. And also is this covered by warranty?

Edit: I will try and get a picture up but so far i'm having no luck with the quality of the picture.

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Hopefully that's the case. Anyhow since i'm going to stick and puck first thing i'll drop by at the shop and have them look at it.

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is there a bump if you run your finger nail on it?

by bump i mean one side of the scratch is higher than the other

not just a groove

i would lean toward sratch..

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To quote Mo "That's a very deep cut."

Actually, it looks like nothing to worry about. My R2 XN10 has a couple of scratces that are deeper than that and I have experienced no problems.

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I agree with the general consensus in that it looks more like a simple deep scratch as opposed to an actual crack.

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To quote Mo "That's a very deep cut."

Mo... I love that guy. I heard he's down in FLA right now, enjoying all that lovely sna.... well, you know Mo.....

I am in agreement with everyone else. Just a scratch, dude. I'd find it hard to believe that you could crack it in that fashion anyway. Too far up from the blade to be a stress fracture. And, since it's not perpindicular to the length of the shaft, and the shaft, cracks would likely go across the short/width of the shaft (where it can flex) as opposed to a centimeter lengthwise along the shaft (where flex does not occur in that direction).

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Sorry guys, i know i am just overreacting but this is the first time i've invested alot of money on a stick so i'm just making sure everything is alright before the warranty expires!

But yeah i brought it to my LHS this morning and just like everyone said it was just a scratch :D

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To quote Mo "That's a very deep cut."

Mo... I love that guy. I heard he's down in FLA right now, enjoying all that lovely sna.... well, you know Mo.....

Actually, I heard he was a born again christian.

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