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"Tough Guys" at stick time

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I have an interesting story to share, I thought it would be good times to open it up to anyone else though, stick time or tough guy stories if you will.

(long read boys, go to the second paragraph for the abridged version)

During my spring break from prepschool, I was skating at the local rink for stick time. It was good friday, so all the public school kids are off. I get there, and they're allowing no one under 16 to play because so many young kids showed up... lucky me, 16 last september, and my dad drove me :D . I walk into the locker room, and there's these plugs who play for some random house team who are talking about how sick thier gear is or w/e. I get my stuff on, including my new Nike v-12's (used 3-4 skates pervious) and my inno 1100 dual-fit (got it the day before, loved both!). I go out there a few mins late and don't get a warm up.

I go out there and some of the guys are actually talented. But one guy on the other team looks like he's pretty new to hockey, and he doesn't skate all that well. Anyhow, so one of my shifts, I'm skating out of my zone, and after I make my pass, I keep going forward, right at this guy who can barely skate. It turns out he's like 250, and I was expecting him to turn around due to the transition. So I bounce off him and fall over :P . So like 30 mins later, I'm carrying the puck across the red line, when some duster from the other team hits me open ice. I didn't even think about getting hit at stick time, because I took them all the time during the season. So as I get up, this guy starts talking crap to me and has this PO'ed look on his face. He talks about how I shouldn't bodycheck people who can barely skate. He said literally "If you do that again, I'll hit you through the boards." I rolled my eyes at him and was like "Whatever, if I dish it out then I can take it." At the time, I had NO CLUE what he was talking about. I was thinking, when the hell did I hit someone? Some of the younger guys on my team were like "what was that about?" and I told them I didn't hit anyone. So this 35 year old duster with his two brutal kids there leaves soon after, and I make sure he knows he's a tough guy by yelling it as he leaves.

So, a pretty eventful stick time, hitting the hattrick and more posts than I can count, not to mention this same duster who slashed my new inno after he blew a breakaway. So, how about everyone else?

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i usually almost get into tilts at shinny. bunch of washed up shmelts who think they can still live the dream. i wear a facemask cuz im so scared of these toughies. i walk into the locker rooms everytime stay quiet, when i get on the ice i am abused so bad after the game no one talks to me cuz i purposely show them up.

one time a guy kept hitting me so i nailed him and he was liek hit me again and i was liek not only will i tune ya ill go ya, he left soon thereafter

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Blatant throwing around the dusterism like its candy on your part, but yea I've had many a run in with the infamous stick time meatheads.

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My friends and I are generally very laid back at stick time. We get those guys all of the time, but we generally put an end to it very quickly. A quick between the legs move or a face into the glass never gets a response. It's generally pretty decent around here, everyone knows its for giggles, and the general "shinny" crowd knows that we aren't out there the purposely start junk or dange weak kids.

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I just hit them with slap shots lol or i slash the back of the legs or when i go into the corner i leave the end of my stick out just a little bit and push it into them where there isnt any padding lol

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I just hit them with slap shots lol or i slash the back of the legs or when i go into the corner i leave the end of my stick out just a little bit and push it into them where there isnt any padding lol

Nice. Those moves will win you a lot of friends.

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I just hit them with slap shots lol or i slash the back of the legs or when i go into the corner i leave the end of my stick out just a little bit and push it into them where there isnt any padding lol

Nice. Those moves will win you a lot of friends.

I don't think he was looking for friends...

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One time me and my buddy showed up to stick and puck and it was all house guys. I didn't try at all until this one guy hit me. He was going all out like it was a real game. The next time he tried to hit me I deke around him while singing "O Canada", and I did it the whole ice time, he could never get the puck off me :D

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I hate all the dipshits that make stick time a pain in the ass. Between the kids that refuse to pass and try all the moves they've ever seen on every shift, and the 40 year olds who slash you every time you go around them, it usually gets annoying. I have no problem dropping the idiots who try to show everyone up or pounding the oldtimers who get stupid with the stick. What ever happened to having a little class?

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The more you pass to everybody on the ice the less people will be retards towards you. Once ive made a ton of passes ill start shooting. I know you shouldnt have to adjust the way you play when youre playing, but im usually out there just to get a skate in so i try my best to be modest and avoid all the stupidity.

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Unfortunatly I've never had the coolest head when playing so when that kinda crap starts, it's kinda tough for me to forgive and forget. If theres anyone who is rolling hits or going crazy-go-nuts with the stick (even if he's on my team) then I'll usually give him a couple warnings and then whatever happens after that happens. I realize that makes me sound that an ass and a half but seriously, there shouldn't be any injury risk in playing stick time ya know. Hard part about my philosiphy is that since I work at the rink, I gotta have a damn good story to back up my actions anytime that happens.

Bottom line is that if a guy is beating you and turning you inside out repeatedly then that should be more reason and motivation for you to get better, not a reason for you to hack the hell out of him or try and smoke him in open ice.

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I hate all the dipshits that make stick time a pain in the ass. Between the kids that refuse to pass and try all the moves they've ever seen on every shift, and the 40 year olds who slash you every time you go around them, it usually gets annoying. I have no problem dropping the idiots who try to show everyone up or pounding the oldtimers who get stupid with the stick. What ever happened to having a little class?

I also believe there is a certain "etiquette" to playing open hockey. It is a time to get your legs moving and work on your skills (and by skills I DON'T mean a 360 tilt-a-whirl Michigan move.) The best open hockey is when it has a fun atmosphere and there's a lot of smiles/laughing going on during the game.

I don't even play open hockey anymore for many reasons mentioned in this post. The best time I have is renting out a rink occasionally with a bunch of people I know. Good times....

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the open hockey at the rink I go to is pretty much a house crowd and they police it pretty well. there is always the occasional hotdog who won't pass or takes the 15min shift with 10 guys on the bench but that's pretty rare. There typically isn't too much stick work as it seems like there is a lot of respect between players I mean you could be camped in the crease and no one will touch you other than tieing up you stick some. Its usually pretty fun. Being a novice there will be times where I rarely touch the puck but I just go out to work on my skating and try to get in a good position to get a pass and catch pointers from the more experienced guys.

What I hate is the guys in beer league games who give you a nice slash then when you return the favor they get all why are playing so rough? WTF??

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last summer, july 17th is a drop in session that will never be forgotten. it was a bunch of us locals (ex pros, jr's, prepsters, aaa) skating chewing shooting having a good time. this crew of like five studs come out hitting, slashing, chirping. so my brother being a mucker goes up and shoves the kid and says clean it up or beat it. the kid asked him to go so they dropped em and took the bonnets off, as this kid is trying to take his elbie off, my bro grabs his sweater and starts to un load. so this kids stud crew sees whats happening and leaves their bench, at this instant a certain jr a player jumps our bench, gloves off lids down, both benches empty. there was like 5 solid tilts with about 20 bodies on the ice, great time

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I hate all the dipshits that make stick time a pain in the ass. Between the kids that refuse to pass and try all the moves they've ever seen on every shift, and the 40 year olds who slash you every time you go around them, it usually gets annoying. I have no problem dropping the idiots who try to show everyone up or pounding the oldtimers who get stupid with the stick. What ever happened to having a little class?

The same day, this oldtimer with some of the worst hockey hair I've seen, he looked like a native american, I swear. So I'm skating around him, after I almost just broke his ankles :P , so he grabs my arm... I was like wtf? and just kept skating. The funny part is that, he must have thought I was a weakling or something because he held on. He holds on so long that I end up just pulling him over. It was the best moment ever just because he looked like a total retard falling backwards like that.

My school has open ice for a lot of the summer and winter, but we take it down in the spring. I'm not at stick time a lot, but at school I skate all the time with my buddies which is tons of fun. I gotta say that playing against a-holes at stick time is great for working on your defencive moves that would be totally dick to use elsewhere though.

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I agree w/ Shorthanded, there is an etiquette to stick or open hockey or whatever you call it at your local rink. My pet peeves are: guys who clutch and grab and hit like it's a league game; teenagers who all come out of the locker room wearing the same jersey and won't pass to anyone except maybe their buddies; guys of all ages who try to skate end to end with the puck; guys who won't come off the ice even after 10 minutes while other guys are waiting for a shift on the bench; guys trying to settle old grudges against other guys from past games.

Hits in open ice and in the corners happen by accident sometimes; if there is no intent, just a simple "sorry" or "didn't mean to" should suffice.

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