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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cobra holders on Bauer Skates

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What size Cobra holder goes on Bauer skates. Im thinking getting either 8090's or XXX's and I want to put Corba holders on them. My skate size is a 9 in Bauer.

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Yes i do work in a shop but we don't replace holders, not enough money in it because we only have one tournment a year, Sliver Stick. So I don't know the diffrent holder sizes for holders that go on other brand skates. Like Cobras on Bauers and tuuks on Grafs, so on and so forth. But thank you for the info JR.

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Just match up the length...if it says 280, then it's a 280 in everything else.

Ive actually have had customers come in with 272 holders mounted by some idiot on 280 boots!

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I had a guy the other day come in with a pair of size 11 Eastons (296) with 280 Lightspeeds. Apparently the guy at the roller rink in town mounted them. I refused to sharpen them because there were 2" on each side that was sticking over the holder. He got pissed then left, then he came in a week later wanting the swap.

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I had a guy the other day come in with a pair of size 11 Eastons (296) with 280 Lightspeeds. Apparently the guy at the roller rink in town mounted them. I refused to sharpen them because there were 2" on each side that was sticking over the holder. He got pissed then left, then he came in a week later wanting the swap.

There are so many stories we prob could go on for days. Here's a couple of my favorites:

= Guy come in and he had lifts in, and his holders were offset for pronation, so I casually mention small talk about his pronation problem. he says, "I don't know what you are talking about." Aparently they sold him skates that had altered holders and never told him. Once I fixed them, he said wow, I though I was just a sucky skater.

= Another gu comes in with brand new Vector 6.0's that had Prolite 3 holders. So I ask him why he changed holders to prolites. Not knowing what I'm talikng about, confused he says, the LHS told me they just came in from CCM when I ought them.

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What do you guys like about the cobras over the tuuks?

Hmm... Lets see the pros for me was the softer steel that needed to be sharpened a ton and the fact that the blades get loose and fall off quite a bit..

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Silver Sticks? Thats cool, when it comes up this year I'll try and see if I can find you! Shop got anything worthwhile?

Not right now but at the end of summer we will.

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What do you guys like about the cobras over the tuuks?

agressive forward pitch compared to the passive flat on tuuks

Crasiest combo i saw was vector pros on cobras...

the best combo is a Graf on a tuuk but thats in the good old days...

Today I think tuuk and Pitch holder rule...

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