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Rebok 5k snake grip

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hey guys i was wondering if you guys could tell me a little about the rebok 5k OPS. it has the snake grip which, as far as i understand, has a rough edge to add grip, like lots of little grooves in it. this sounds all good except, wouldnt this be hell on the palms of your gloves?

thanks for the help, rebok seems to be a bit of a secret to me!


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I've been using the 5K OPS for about 2 weeks now. The "snakegrip" is pretty much how you described it. I'll be honest, the snakegrip isn't as noticeable as a normal "soft grip". My hands don't slide as much as if it were a standard shaft but don't stick as much as if it had softgrip. The jury is still up as I'm still trying to figure out whether I like the feel or not. After about 7 games, there is no noticeable wear on my glove palms.

The stick/blade has held up fine, but I'm not too killer on sticks anyway. The biggest disadvantage for me was switching from an Easton SL to the 5K where there is a noticeable weight difference, but it's not a 2x4 by any means.

After another dozen games or so, I'll throw a review up.

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I've been using the 5K OPS for about 2 weeks now.  The "snakegrip" is pretty much how you described it.  I'll be honest, the snakegrip isn't as noticeable as a normal "soft grip".  My hands don't slide as much as if it were a standard shaft but don't stick as much as if it had softgrip.

Sounds like a perfect mix.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba

IMHO, this stick is way overpriced. On the surface, it appears to be no more than a 4K with the grip.

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I'm almost thinking of the word "overrated" as well.

If you go to your LHS and feel the 7K and the 5K there's a huge difference in weight, feel, balance. In my opinion, there's more difference in the two Reebok sticks than there is between, say a TPS Response Plus VS XN10 or an Easton Synergy VS an SL.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba

I'm almost thinking of the word "overrated" as well.

If you go to your LHS and feel the 7K and the 5K there's a huge difference in weight, feel, balance. In my opinion, there's more difference in the two Reebok sticks than there is between, say a TPS Response Plus VS XN10 or an Easton Synergy VS an SL.

I'd agree with you there, however, keep in mind that the 7K is Made in Canada and the 5K is Made in China. I thought that the 4K/5K were nothing more than HockeyGiant's GEAR Hornet/Velocity sticks which sell for far cheaper than RBK.

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IMHO, this stick is way overpriced.

Like that can't be said about a lot of hockey gear.

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Im really looking into getting a 5k shaft since i dont want the hassle and blade limitation of another tapered shaft like the 6K. How does the shaft feel? I havent gotten a chance to see one in person yet

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I'd agree with you there, however, keep in mind that the 7K is Made in Canada and the 5K is Made in China. I thought that the 4K/5K were nothing more than HockeyGiant's GEAR Hornet/Velocity sticks which sell for far cheaper than RBK.

Ah I did not realize that about the 2 different manufacturing locations. I actually thought that the 5K was somewhat of a re-packaged Koho Revolution 4490 OPS. I could be way off but I remember reading that info before the 5K was released.

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Im really looking into getting a 5k shaft since i dont want the hassle and blade limitation of another tapered shaft like the 6K. How does the shaft feel? I havent gotten a chance to see one in person yet

Well, I saw the 6k in person, and it reminded me of my vector shaft. It seemed kind of clunky and heavy.

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i thot the grip kinda felt weird ,it fealt like my hand was in kool aid and i touched a stick ,it was....odd ,i wouldnt buy one

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Im really looking into getting a 5k shaft since i dont want the hassle and blade limitation of another tapered shaft like the 6K. How does the shaft feel? I havent gotten a chance to see one in person yet

I've seen both the 5k and 6k and felt them out at my LHS. My initial impressions on the 6k aren't that good. It's pretty heavy and doesn't feel balanced compared to other tapered shafts in its price range (TPS R2, Bauer XV, Easton Synthesis).

The 5k seems better though. It felt lighter and more balanced. The snake grip seems like a pretty good idea. With it you don't have the added weight (for you techies out there!) from a grip coating and from what I can say, I think more people will buy it more than the 6k though I could be wrong!

Aside from their protective gear, I'm pretty skeptical of Reebok's sticks.

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Marcelo, are you searious about the 4K/5k being the same as the GEAR Hornet Velocity sticks? I was considering maybe picking up a 5k this summer, but I have heard not so great things about the Hornet/Velocity, and the the 5k is the same thing I wont get it.

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Just looking at the catalog, the 5K doesn't look like the 4K with grip. The 5K is lighter and appears to have a full graphite (Synergy type) blade. The 4K's blade appears to have more fiberglass in it (Vector 110 type)

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
Marcelo, are you searious about the 4K/5k being the same as the GEAR Hornet Velocity sticks? I was considering maybe picking up a 5k this summer, but I have heard not so great things about the Hornet/Velocity, and the the 5k is the same thing I wont get it.

From my quick view, I thought it wasn't much more than that. We weighed one in the store and it was 520g. Just my op...

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From my quick view, I thought it wasn't much more than that.  We weighed one in the store and it was 520g.  Just my op...

The shafts are 6" longer than a "regular" shaft. Are the OPS also longer?

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I just bought the int. rbk 5k shaft w/a TPS nash blade and have used it for a game. I'm quite happy with the shaft. The weight of the blade and shaft combo is almost the same as my redlite xn10 (a little tad heavier), so if weight is an issue with you, the 5K is a decent shaft. And price-wise, the 5K is so much cheaper than a redlite xn10 (I got on sale for $80+tax at Sportchek). As for performance, shooting wrist-shots/snappers from my 5k feels a lot like shooting from my redlite xn10 (whipflex). That's my quick review of the 5k shaft, I hope this helps those who are thinking about getting the rbk 5k shaft.

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From my quick view, I thought it wasn't much more than that.  We weighed one in the store and it was 520g.  Just my op...

The shafts are 6" longer than a "regular" shaft. Are the OPS also longer?

The 5k OPS is a couple of inches longer than say Bauer or Easton OPS. Same length as CCM ops.

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fans of the wheel-barrow grip on bauer shafts might like it too. They have something akin to that on the 5K, just smaller radius on the top grip, still rectangular rather than round like bauer shafts

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I threw an openice bodycheck on a kid at HNIB tryouts and snapped his 5k in half. The rep responcible for the demo Rbk stuff there said it was the second demo 5k broken that day...

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