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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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favorite skates you've had

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Ahhh.... Micron Medalliions....there is a memory.

BUT without a doubt it is my newest pair that are my favorites because for the first time in my life I am skating with ZERO foot pain of any kind. Thanks to you guys and your skate fitting tips I took the time and am absolutely digging my RBK 5K Pumps.

And just got fitted for orthotics on the weekend too.....thanks to another thread.....but that is another story.


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  DarkStar50 said:
Daoust National 301, brown leather trim, clear Tuuks, black ballistic nylon, full leather interior right down to the insole. 1981 model, they fit perfectly right out of the box.
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I just won a pair on ebay and received them in almost new condition. Interested? Size is 9D. They are truly in great shape.


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  DarkStar50 said:
Daoust National 301, brown leather trim, clear Tuuks, black ballistic nylon, full leather interior right down to the insole. 1981 model, they fit perfectly right out of the box.
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Tuuks on them are white, I think 280 mm.

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  Rustybender said:
Favorite skates for me are my Bauer Supreme 3000's. Got them the first model year they were out and I still skate on that same pair.

I bought a pair of Synergy's earlier this year and after a month and a half of 6+ hours a week of skating, I sold them. I kept hoping I would get used to them but it never happened.

Earlier this week I picked up a pair of Bauer 6000's and they feel pretty good. They have a tough act to follow after my trusty 3000's...

My best friend is currently skating on Micron Mega 90's. He bought them new, wore them for half a season and quit playing. After a 10+ year break he has started playing again. The power clips got brittle with age and snapped on both skates, but otherwise they are pretty mint.

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Man, Rusty, you certainly are chasing after the elusive perfect skate, eh? :D

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CCM SuperTacks from the mid/late 90's with Reebok Pumps in the tongue and ankle were the best skates I ever had. I wish CCM made the Tacks without that heel wrap thing, for asthetic purposes only. I must say, I LOVE my '05 ProTacks though.

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