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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fastest guys in the NHL

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I think St. Louis, anyone remember him in the puck carrying relay at the all star game? His team was like half a lap behind, lois goes in and almost wins it for his team... absolutely crazy.

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I think St. Louis, anyone remember him in the puck carrying relay at the all star game? His team was like half a lap behind, lois goes in and almost wins it for his team... absolutely crazy.

Puck control drills doesn't involve the word speed. It's more a agility/accelaration drills...

We can see at the 1-lap speed contest in the All-star game that guys like Gaborik are faster than St-Louis.

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Puck control drills doesn't involve the word speed. It's more a agility/accelaration drills...

I guess agility and acceleration are my opinion of speed. But right, I don't think st. louis would be as fast as other guys straight away, but by the same token, you are hardly ever just skating straight away in a game.

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What makes someone so much faster. Is it the tech. like how long they can keep max amount of blade pushing on the ice, or how much power the push with.?

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What makes someone so much faster. Is it the tech. like how long they can keep max amount of blade pushing on the ice, or how much power the push with.?

a few things factor into what is "speed" depending on your opinion. The general concenious is that:

speed is:

the fastest you can skate flat out, reguardless of acceleration.

This varies by:

how much force the player applies with each stride

how much force is created when the player flicks thier toe

how fast the player can return back to starting point, and complete stride

so that is mainly quad and calf stregnth

quckness is:

the time it takes you to asses/react/respond to situation.

what's important in quickness are:

how quickly your mind processes what's going how

how fast you can make a decision on what to do

how fast you can carry out the decision

how quickly you can accelerate to get wherever you need to be

this requires:

fast nero transmissions

a strong hockey sense of what's going on

stregnth-speed in your legs to explode into an acceleration

the amount of blade has some to do with it, but if a player wears different radius blades on their skates, most likely they will accelerate faster and get a better push, but there isn't much you can do while skating to get more blade on the ice.

It's also not necisarily power, like the USSR is famous for, the plyometrics that force you to absorb and push off force explosively can really help in your skating.

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at my school theres a class thats put on by Hockey Canada and through out about 40 through Canada. Its a great where you get 2 ice times 2 class sessions and 1 fitness session per week

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ya the class is great! its offered in about 40 schools over Canada and luckily all the 3 of the major high schools here offer it

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