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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So how are the Pitch holders holding up?

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Just wondering if you pro shop guys are seeing any probs with them durability wise?

I set mine to +1 before practice Monday and all I can say is WOW! Every aspect of my skating was improved dramatically by getting up on my toes more. Great innovation.

I worry a little about the increased torque and leverage on the holder by having more blade exposed though.

But I'm like that, lol.

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Mine are doing just fine after about 8 months of use, 3-4 times a week. One of my friends however, the bolt on the back of the holder...the one with the lil notch...it has like broken the plastic or something so even when its tight it still slides up and down.

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Just wondering if you pro shop guys are seeing any probs with them durability wise?

I set mine to +1 before practice Monday and all I can say is WOW! Every aspect of my skating was improved dramatically by getting up on my toes more. Great innovation.

I worry a little about the increased torque and leverage on the holder by having more blade exposed though.

But I'm like that, lol.

Yes, a toe down pitch can improve skatin big time. The pitch holder is innovative, and I credit Mission with bringing this feature into the spotlight. However, it is an option that has been available for years. Cuustom rocker radius will do the same thing, plus you will have many more options than 1 degee or neutral.

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What I like about it is it opens the window some shops to do that kind've stuff. Not alot of people are aware of it, or have it done properly around here. The PITCH allows them to tinker with it and try out a few differen't settings so they can go from there and at least have an idea of what they want. Rather than the Employee saying "forward or defense?" I completely agree and understand with what you are saying, but I think its a big lead into future customers towards customizing their rockers and such.

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What I like about it is it opens the window some shops to do that kind've stuff. Not alot of people are aware of it, or have it done properly around here. The PITCH allows them to tinker with it and try out a few differen't settings so they can go from there and at least have an idea of what they want. Rather than the Employee saying "forward or defense?" I completely agree and understand with what you are saying, but I think its a big lead into future customers towards customizing their rockers and such.

totally agree. Too many players have no clue of the options available. Once someone tries a toe down pitch, they usually love it.

Selecting a radius/pitch is way more complicated than just asking "defense or forward". Many player today also play both positions, then what do you do?

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I tried the +1 but I felt like a ski jumper. The S500s have a little more forward pitch than most non-graf skates at Neutral and that's perfect for me. Mine have been going strong since last May. I do find that adding a little blue loc-tite to the bolt keeps them from coming loose. There's a little on it from the factory, but more doesn't hurt at all.

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