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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey forums

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is there any more hockey forums that are as good as this one

HFBoards is pretty good, I like it because they have dedicated forums for each specific NHL team, but there's a lot of people on there that flame and just start senseless arguments in every thread which takes the fun out of it.

I pretty much stick to MSH and the Florida Panthers forum on HFBoards.

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If by EBM you mean the Easton Message Board, I can't even register. Tryed repeatedly since October and they never get back. I don't expect and answer 'now' as I've found this forum. :) Also, on Easton's board people ask a lot of dumb things... repeatedly. More so than here.

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I can't believe this question! :D This board is complete. You need nothing else ;) The Mods/Owners do a very good job with this site. You don't need any other site! Unless your a goalie.. then you can try out Goalie Store MB

But other than that MSH rules the MB world ;)

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While there are other boards out there I have yet to see one as unbiased and truthful as this. Consider that the company boards are there for one reason....to promote their product and for those that may love that particular brand of equipment.

Also people here tend to be a bit more mature. ;)

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This forum is the best. I also visit CCM from time-to-time, but that's not as good as it use to be.

The Reebok hockey site has lots of postings, but it's not very mature.

Like someone else said, Gongshow hockey can be good for a laugh.

I think most NHL teams have discussion forums, I follow the Canucks so I also go there.


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The EMB is overrun with 11 and 12 year olds asking the same questions over and over again, The only reason I still check it out is to see if Mark Hughes will ever tell people who still haven't gotten their stealth when they will get them.

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US College Hockey On-Line - if you want to know anything and everything about the college game there is no other place.

This board is the best I have seen regarding equipment.

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