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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kudos to the Easton warrantee department.

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Despite easton's bad reputation on some accounts, my latest encounter has bumped them up a few spots in my book. After breaking my drury synergy within the warantee period, I called only to find out they could not send me a new drury 85 since it was discontinued, and offered me a choice of shanahan, lidstrom, or modano. Knowing that none of these curves would work, I asked if they could send an 85 synthesis with drury blade as the replacement, and they gladly agreed. Awesome customer service.

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That was nice of them. It probably helped that you didn't ask for a Si-Core grip like some others might have. If you are honest with a manufacturer, they'll probably be honest with you.

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All of my other problems with Easton aside, they have had a great warrantee department from what me and my friends have dealt with. I think thats kind of suprising, because I would imagine that its Easton who gets the most people trying to screw them.

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The amazing thing is the number of people who have dealt with Easton's warranty department.

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Guest phillyfan

Or, think of it this way. Jeep's are one of the highest stolen vechicles, means they are easy to break into? Maybe, but for the most part, Jeep's probably rank among the highest in car sales as well.

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Guest Boston10

Yea the EastonWD is wicked good. I had my Si-core LH Sakic for like 5 months before it broke. I called up and they said that they were very strict on the warranty. Then I tried e-mailing the department, which worked perfectly. 2 weeks later I received a brand-new si-core.

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Yea the EastonWD is wicked good. I had my Si-core LH Sakic for like 5 months before it broke. I called up and they said that they were very strict on the warranty. Then I tried e-mailing the department, which worked perfectly. 2 weeks later I received a brand-new si-core.

If it held up for 5 months it wasn't a manufacturing defect and shouldn't have been replaced.

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Guest Boston10
Yea the EastonWD is wicked good.  I had my Si-core LH Sakic for like 5 months before it broke. I called up and they said that they were very strict on the warranty.  Then I tried e-mailing the department, which worked perfectly.  2 weeks later I received a brand-new si-core.

If it held up for 5 months it wasn't a manufacturing defect and shouldn't have been replaced.

Yea thats why I like th Easton WP b/c I had my si-core way past warranty and they still replaced it for me b/c I broke it completely in 2 and sent it back to the factory to be analyzed.

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Boston you took advantage of them. People like you will force companies to drop the waranty program altogether.

I broke it completely in 2 and sent it back to the factory to be analyzed.
Seems like he just wanted to send it in to help Easton out in making a more durable stick. :huh:

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Guest Boston10
Boston you took advantage of them. People like you will force companies to drop the waranty program altogether.

How would you feel if you dropped $180 on a stick and then it snapped in 2

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Happy that it lasted me 5 months. Your not the only one here dropping $180 on a stick. For a regular OPS (synegy, Vector, Response) we pay $185 US (I'm in Canada). I'd be unbelievably excited if I had a stick last me 5 months. Whether you broke it in two or not really isn't the issue. You got more than enough use out of an OPS, other will break it quicker and some will have it last longer, but there was nothing defective about your stick, which is why the warranty department exists.

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Boston you took advantage of them. People like you will force companies to drop the waranty program altogether.

How would you feel if you dropped $180 on a stick and then it snapped in 2

This just in: OPS are not unbreakable! :o

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Guest Boston10

Why do I even bother to post...5 months for a stick c-mon no be realistic.

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i'm normally happy if an OPS will last me the actual warranty period. My standards are up a little bit because I don't play as often, but 5 months would still make my heart soar.

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