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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/14 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Guess I lucked out this year in my first year of playing leagues. We had pairs (or 3) of each RW, LW, and sometimes 2 centers, and 2 lines of D. None of us are hardcore enough to have "line chemistry", but we did have good enough "team chemistry" to have a lot of fun as a team. Captain did an awesome job of both "rallying the troops" and keeping it fun. It's all about fun, exercise, camaraderie, and ice time. Sounds like a sucky team for you, Optimus. :(
  2. 2 points
    URL=http://s1290.photobucket.com/user/IceCosmic/media/2014-06/2F77A538-C01E-4859-956B-71F3E870691F_zpshcwa5x7j.jpg.html] Both pairs of gloves 14 inch and brand new :) - Easton Synergy HSX and Warrior Franchise with shotblockers- pretty sure the Franchises are wide cuff but they do not say Pants are large Franchises. Not as comfy as the retail CCM RBZs (I just tried on a pair of XLs at HM and they felt unreal), but pretty nice regardless. Wore them at pickup a couple of nights ago and didn't even notice them.
  3. 2 points
    Came up huge at the Ducks sale.
  4. 1 point
    We have an older team that isn't the best conditioned and that works great for us.
  5. 1 point
    I think if any team can have set lines, its foster chemistry. That being said, the captain(s) should make room for adjustments depending on the game at hand. I'm extremely fortunate with the 'A' and 'B' teams I'm currently on. My captains establish balanced lines and aren't afraid to mix it up. They also aren't afraid of sitting players when we need a goal or defending a lead late in a game. There is a fine line though. This isn't our livelihoods. This is our passion. No need to treat every game like a Game 7. No need to be a jerk to your teammate(s) when he/she is giving up sleep on a weekday to play some hockey. I'm as competitive as any other person but it is a game at the end of the day. I feel for some you guys when it comes the nonsense you deal with just to play a game we are all crazy about. To bench a guy for 2 periods is absurd. It's MEN'S league. We all stink in some shape or form haha. If we didn't, we'd be playing some form of professional hockey. It baffles me that guys take men's league way too seriously. I know I won't ever play for a team that has a captain like that. Not worth the money or frustration.
  6. 1 point
    Best number for beer league is 10 skaters.
  7. 1 point
    Came up huge at the Ducks sale. Really wanted a pair of Ducks pants and they ended up having a ton of pairs in my size. Literally had my pick of Bauer, Easton, Reebok, or Warrior. The Bauers fit the best so i snagged em. $50 Bucks for Brand new gear! I didn't mess with the game worn gear..it was more expensive and really beat up. Also got the Reebok/Jofa 7K Shoulders for $50, and a pair of Bauer Shells for $20. They had a TON of autographed/game used sticks for anywhere from 100-500 bucks. Again, I stuck to the new stuff, it was cheaper and literally brand new. But if you are a lefty, you literally had your choice of some of the best sticks made for 50-100 bucks. Rightys had a MUCH smaller selection, but I ended up with the Reebok Ai9 90 Flex, Smith-Pelly Curve (mostly cuz i fanned out on having one of his sticks) and then a great CCM RBZ 85 Flex with a Staubitz curve. They gave everyone a free Laundry bag to carry their stuff around in and I ended up with Kyle Caulders. They had a ton of official game jerseys but none in my size. I wish I would've slowed down and really looked everything over, but i really wanted sticks and pants so I rushed to those when they let everyone. As i was walking out I noticed a large table of skates, but I had spent all the loot i wanted to spend at that point. Oh well, next year.

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