I was googling around and found some design images of the Easton Mako Skates posted by Will Keegan on his Behance profile ( I believe he is a product designer for Easton Bell Sports) ... Thinking if I should email him and tell him I'm a hopeless and nasty gear slut who is looking to mod out my skates and he is needed on this thread .. What a sick job this guy must have especially if he plays Hockey too.. I would equate that to ummmmm... winning the lottery!?!?!?!?!?! What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall when new prototypes are rolled out .. Check this out - https://www.behance.net/gallery/8305497/Easton-Mako-Hockey-Skates I pulled a broken Supreme TotalONE LE stick out of the trash at the local rink and made a foam plug, wrapped CF around the plug, stuffed it inside the stick, and clamped it straight until the epoxy cured. I then sanded down the outside of the stick so the original break wasn't a clean line (more of a ramp--reduce the "stress riser") and wrapped the outside with CF, then wrapped it tightly with electrical tape.Flex might not be PERFECT but when flexing it, it's neither a weak spot (too much bend) or a flat spot (too strong). Figured it would be a good backup stick. It turned into my go-to stick. :) You give new meaning to the term someone's trash is another man's treasure. What did you use as foam ? Which K CF did you use? What Epoxy did you use? Why have you been hiding this from us and where are the pictures.. show it off!!!!!!!