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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/14 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    +1 I was looking down at my skates today while I was on the bench and couldn't help but think how happy I am with them (10+ mo in). Sure they took a bit of time to dial-in (perfectionist), but now they're golden. I've worn my VH's longer than any skate I've tried in the past 3+ years. Before them, I was quickly becoming a serial skate purchaser - pulling the trigger on almost anything in an attempt to solve my foot problems and keep being able to play. I have the least amount of foot pain, foot problems and alignment problems in the VH's compared to any other major top-end model/brand. I'm on the ice typically 4-5 hours per week, minimum without issues. I don't care if my skates were pink with purple polka dots and unicorn graphics on them, as long as they fit well, perform and are durable within my personal usage. The VH's have kept me on the ice, pain-free, and I owe that to Scott.
  2. 1 point
    I have one of each. Youngest LOVES playing with the boys (and she's huge into Star Wars and LEGOs). Oldest LOVES playing with the girls and couldn't fathom playing on a boys team. As a parent, I like that they each have an option that fits them. Drives my wife nuts that there aren't more playing opportunities for the U14's, but she hasn't exactly embraced ADM. The girls LOVE being on the ice and don't judge their season by how many games they play in (or win). I hate to admit that "one girl at a time" is correct...but I tend to agree. It's hard to recruit a never-ever 10-12 year-old girl and hope she'll feel comfortable stepping onto the ice with girls who have been skating 3-5 years already. It's a bit too late for our girls, but we just have to recruit more girls into the Termite/Mite groups to have a bigger pool in 5-10 years. Our girls only started a year ago, but they REALLY wanted to play and dived in headfirst. They have really loved their hockey experience, and we've seen a lot less drama from hockey parents than from basketball and volleyball. I think those sports are limited by how few players can start, and a lot of good kids end up riding the bench. Hockey is physical enough that line changes are a MUST and 14-16 kids can all have success on a team. It's just a matter of convincing those other parents that their daughters can find fun and success in what they see as a boys' sport. We have similarly great women's programs and teams around here, and they take an active interest in supporting the girls groups. They secured ice time for Sept-Oct and are starting 1-2 months before the coed teams. :)

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