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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/16 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Thanks althoma1! Here is my LA Kings Locker that I just finished this past weekend...
  2. 2 points
    I'm tired but satisfied. Our association has a sand-bed outdoor rink. I spent most nights last week until midnight getting it ready with a small team of very dedicated volunteers and we're almost ready to open for practice tonight!
  3. 1 point
    Why do you play with goalie stick?
  4. 1 point
    Old school, Back in 2012 at Staples Center after a Kings game. Blue and orange cause my beer league team said no one else in their right mind would wear orange jerseys...
  5. 1 point
    So. Here goes. Back in March I was rushed to the ER (I'm Northern Irish, we usually call it casualty or Accident and Emergency) with sepsis. I spent 3 days in intensive care and a further 2 on a ward. I had a minor heart attack too whilst I was there. I don't recall much of it. I lost a lot of weight, dropping from 230lbs to 160 in the weeks after. My mental health took a battering too, to the point I attempted to overdose 3 times. I lost my job because I was unable to work, developed scar tissue in my left lung where the infection had been, and I ended up on welfare. No matter what I tried I could not gain weight and was pounding back pints of water every day. I tried to get back to hockey but my gear was hanging on me like a badly dressed mannequin and my energy levels were at an all time low. I couldn't complete a training session and games were out of the question. I developed thrush and it was only then that my doctor asked had I been tested for diabetes. I hadn't so I went in the next morning and did a fasting blood test. That was a Thursday, and the following Monday my doctor called me and told me to get to the ER because I needed insulin ASAP. It transpires that the sepsis has basically killed my pancreas and left me as an insulin dependent diabetic. I'm currently undergoing tests on my thyroid at the minute to determine if it works properly too. My mental health is returning and I've gained weight too, although I've been very conscious of my diet ever since I was diagnosed diabetic. I've an appointment with a therapist this Friday, and my doctor has put my meds on weekly dispense to keep the temptation of overdosing away. I'm in the process of trying to get my visa so I can emigrate to Canada too. I'm also returning to training with my team next week, they asked why I hadn't been up in a while and when I explained the situation they said theu would waive my fees until I got back on my feet financially.

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