The fit is what it will come down to. Super/Ultra Tacks are the bloodline from the old Jofa stuff, some consider it the gold standard for protection and mobility, but if it doesn't fit your body right then it won't matter. I have a pair of Super Tacks elbow pads and they're super protective and very mobile. I also have some 3pc models like Jetspeed FT4 Pro and U+ CL (and had RVBZ's in the past which share the same DNA as Jetspeed, Quicklite, U+), these pads are lighter and more mobile but also have some good protection. My one complaint is over the model generations they changed some of the fit, they usually ran kind of short in forearm protection until the Quicklite generation where the elbow cap got massive and forearm went to a normal length, with the Jetspeed models the elbow cap got very streamlined and forearm length remained a good length (also these tend to fit skinnier arms better... I usually have to shorten straps to get the fit right but didn't have to modify any straps on my Jetspeed FT4 Pros). I have the U+ CL which is similar shape as the U+ Pro but with different strapping and less padding... the elbow cap on that might not be enough if your Tacks pads aren't enough, the Tacks elbow cap seems to have more protection/negative space between in donut area, than the U+ models I've had.
It sounds like you may have a more pointy elbow, so I have a feeling the CCM models may not offer enough protection... maybe look into some Bauer models. I have the UltraSonic and the elbow cap is way pointier/goes out much farther, than any of my CCM pads (when I put my arms straight down the elbow pad corner juts out pretty far). I've also noticed on most Bauer elbow pads that they share this extended pointy elbow design, this might offer you that extra bit of protection you're looking for.