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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by AIREAYE

  1. what the steelheads are not keeping that colorway

    Do you mean this : "What? The Steelheads are not keeping that colorway?"

    If so then, no, they are using the Leafs' template with a Port Credit lighthouse 'M' as a shoulder patch. It was an agreement with MLSE.

    On the bright side, we can all use Leafs socks/shells/gloves/helmets to match the Marlies, Steelhead and Leafs

  2. Yeah, it was a tiny festival, maybe 3,500 people, so I saw her walk past a few times, but friends trying to help/not liking her lead to me having to talk to her to apologise for them. Moving away for university on the 8th September so that helps!thanks man

    Ha moving away helps a ton, trust me, you'll be fine!

  3. Someone came in looking to see if we could exchange sizing for a Warrior Krown helmet that did not fit his son which was part of a team deal. If it's a simple size exchange like a M to L we could do and the transaction was about to go through smoothly when I decided to do a quick once-over on the helmet.

    The back dial was broken. The helmet could move freely and could not contract/expand.

    A few more questions later and the guy revelead unceremoniously that he had taken a screwdriver to the side-plate (seen in JR's teardown thread) and tried to manually adjust it to move and broke the adjustment system as well.

    We refused his exchange naturally and sent him to Warrior, but all in all, he was trying to scam his broken helmet (purchased elsewhere) onto us for a fresh one.

  4. I've found a way to add a bit of extra length to pants. Perhaps similar methods can be used by people who have great fitting pants already but would like a bit of extra length, for kids to get that extra bit of time in, or for those who do not/cannot acquire tall sizes of stock pants.

    For my test module, I luckily found a pair of slightly used RYR 6000s from a thrift store for $7.99 CDN (part of this haul : http://www.modsquadh...page__st__18900)

    I normally wear SR Medium and most Medium pants are long enough for my 5'10" 140 lb frame. I prefer them to go down somewhere between the top of my kneecap and the middle. My current go-to pair of Tackla 5500 Air's are of this criteria, in a size 48, while the RYRs are SR Small at size 46. The only thing that didn't work for me off the shelf (or pile, in this case) was the length, as I needed about an extra 1" +/- 0.25".

    It's a pretty simple procedure; involving the now-realized handiwork scepter that is the Speedy Stitcher (buy one...NOW), some fabric clips (thanks for the tip, LawGoalie), a seam ripper, some hot glue and spare binding salvaged from another pair of pants.

    Some pants have the hem stitched with the inside thigh padding integrated with it and simply folded in and re-stitched. I un-stitched this with the ripper, straightened and restitched the thigh foam backing and stitched on the binding on the now extended length of the pant shell.


    Above : comparison of regular stock length and the finished extended length with stitched binding. Underneath the stitched line on the stock leg is the curled and stitched foam/nylon. That is simple unfurled.


    Above : Normally, the red nylon shell is stitched with the foam behind it and curled up.


    Above: the finished project. About an extra 3/4" to 1". I purposely did not stitch the binding alongside the stretch gusset to allow for mobility.


    - this will only work on pants with a sufficient amount of nylon wrapped in the hem to allow for enough length once un-stitched and unfurled

    - I question the durability of the binding as most of it is exposed to your thigh movements, I wish I could find a better binding scheme that is flexible as well.

  5. Amazing what you can find in your local thrift stores. Here's my haul (over a few weeks) from my local Goodwill/Value Village stores:


    Framed Felix Potvin photo - $6

    Patrick Roy photoboard - $5

    Framed Eric Lindros photo - $10

    Bauer Comp SMU pants (for parts) - $10

    St.Michael's Majors car flag (RIP :sad: ) - $1

    York Toros RYR 6000 pants (for parts) - $8

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