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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by AIREAYE

  1. So I picked this twig up at my LHS, at the recommendation of several PHEW members. It was $49.99 + tax. 65 flex senior, PM9/Modano/Whatever curve, grip. Almost my exact specs, except I usually use 75 or 85, but it does feel more like a 70-75. Doesn't feel like the lightest stick, but it's decently light. Haven't tried it out on the ice yet. Oddly enough, when I took the wooden extension out, it was the perfect length for me (same as my other sticks). Looking forward to trying it out tomorrow morning on the ODR.

    Also picked up some Graf Supra G535s wheels. Skated on them once so far, and they're comfy as hell but the increased forward pitch is hard to get used to. I'll see if I can adapt to it - if not, I may get some Tuuks mounted. I'll throw some pics up soon.

    That's fantastic. $50 is a no brainer! Same specs I use.

  2. The profile is slightly different between step and LS2 so I'd say the change is having the biggest impact for you.

    This. I felt that I had too much bite and couldn't turn when I first tried Step. A profile to approximate the steel that I was coming off of fixed that problem and I kept my preferred hollow.

  3. Yup that's why pros get extra soft and extra light skates when they check through there options. Remember I said in my opinion as you are entitled to yours. I love my MLX skates and think there are the best out there better then the Mako's. I love how on this forum you make a comment and some one who "thinks" they know more then you beats you like a red headed step-child with there's. I thought this was about education and helping people not a competition of who knows the most about hockey equipment.

    jimmy knows more than you, nananananana

    But seriously, he stated his opinion, just like you. Take a breath, read it again and ease off the pedal in your whaambulance

    It's always a competition man.


  4. Agreed, you need to realize that MSH isn't a good representation of the market. There are many of us on here who appreciate a good two-piece, myself among them, but the reason as to why they're disappearing is very obvious.

    Of course, if you want to convince your bosses to create demand for 2-pieces all over again and bring it back from its journey to the grave, that would be interesting to see as well.

  5. I separated the wrist flap from the rest of the cuff at the base of the palm (you can see the sliver of stretch gusset there) as some pros do, just to try. I'll definitely be baking them with wet hands haha. Not afraid to torch the cuffs with a heat gun just to see what happens either.

  6. I just e-mailed the team to ask if they had any equipment sales. The head coach got back to me and asked me what I wanted. I told him, and the assistant coach sent me the prices. I picked the gear up today at the arena. Apparently I got lucky with the jerseys because they just changed the design, so they have a bunch of practice jerseys lying around. It's going to be pretty cool to wear my school's colours in beer league and shinny now!

    Thanks, I will attempt the same with my school.

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