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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skyscrape last won the day on December 23 2012

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5 Neutral

About skyscrape

  • Birthday 10/01/1981


  • Skates
    Bauer APX(still using them in 2021)
  • Hockey Bag
    Reebok Pro Team Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Pro
  • Elbow Pads
    Warrior DX
  • Shoulder Pads
    Don't wear 'em.
  • Pants
    Tackla 9000Z
  • Helmet
    CCM V08
  • Gloves
    Warrior Covert
  • Stick
    CCM Ft3 grip 95 flex( I wish it was 105)

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  • Interests
    Music, traveling while playing music , and playing hockey.
  • Location
    Nashville, CA
  • Gender

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  1. Thanks for the response. I guess I’ll throw new runners on and wear these until something falls apart. 😂
  2. I was curious about this as I still skate my APX’s. A shop guy at perrani’s said that the APX is stiffer than anything current. im tempted to try something new...but if it ain’t broke...
  3. My PeeWee season. I scored bar down from outside the blue line with a clapper as a peewee. Can you blame me for being hooked since. it’s still in the garage. Scores 22 goals as a d man that season. 😂 almost all with that stick.
  4. My Al MacInnis Sherwood Featherlite 7000 that stick was the best while it lasted. Been searching for the curve and feel since.
  5. How do you like the Trigger? I have an ft3 and it shoots hard, but not the most accurate. probably just a mechanics thing on my end. But still thinking of trying a trigger.
  6. Thanks for the replies guys. I agree. A testing facility with a gun would be great. Just to feel the kick and balance of sticks. In the golf world people pay big bucks for a good fitting. 🤷
  7. At the end of the video they say 105 shops have this technology. maybe this was to roll Out and then Covid hit.
  8. I know things probably slowed down a bit over the past year. But...I just watched a Coach Jeremy video where he basically went through the hockey equivalent of a golf club fitting. iPads, sensors on pucks and sticks. I used to work at a golf pro shop and fit clubs, so this definitely peaked my interest How do you locate them? I am south of Nashville now and I know the rinks I have visited do not have this tech. At least not that I have seen. I searched this topic, but nothing popped up. Sorry if this is common knowledge these days I've been away from hockey for about 7 years, but got back on the ice a couple weeks back.
  9. ANy word on release of the E28 in other sticks, stronger flex, or replacement blades? My Mako II lasted 4 skates before it felt like a 70 flex. EVeryone would say "no way that is a 100 flex stick". Worse part was, at first it was whippy but had pop....4 skates in whippier and no longer any pop. SO now I look for the E28 as I think it is one of the best curves on the market.
  10. If anyone Easton is listening...Please offer the Mako II in 110 flex. While it does shoot extremely well and effortlessly, with the 5 inch extension added I am afraid it will whip out fast. Hopefully It won't as it is my new favorite stick by far.
  11. This made my night! I am a niner fan, so the Harbaugh bit killed me! I was in tears! I want it now! http://youtu.be/Zce-QT7MGSE
  12. Glad to see a standard shaft offered in 110 and as a deluxe as well. I miss my AK shaft! Sad to see the Luxe go bye-bye. I will have to track a few pair down before they disappear. Will the WIz pattern ever be available as a blade? Edit- The pictures and palm of the COvert gloves have me sold!
  13. I remember that curve! That was a pretty nasty toe curve back then! I am expecting a slightly more aggressive Versteeg when I see the E28
  14. Finally got a job again! What a relief! Working in the Pro-shop of one of my favorite Golf Courses in the Sacramento Area! Best part is...I worked there before and the crew is really happy to have me back as well!
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