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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by mug25

  1. BTW, for Cleats you may want to consider a pair of Turfs. They're lightweight, cheaper than metal cleats and provide a lot of grip. I actually bought a pair of the Momentum Turf Trainers from 3N2. They're a newer brand but their soes are extremely comfortable. Check their stuff out http://www.3n2sports.com
  2. I thought 12.5 was pretty large. I used to play shortstop in little league so I always had a tiny glove. Personal preference I suppose. 13" is a pretty big glove to me, and I have big hands.
  3. You're gonna want a large glove, 12.5"-13". The bat is different from a Baseball bat and you dont want to get a Fastpitch Softball bat either. D'Marini makes really good bats, as does Easton. Anyway, order from here....you might find this site familiar. http://www.homerunmonkey.com/
  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one with tree trunks for legs.
  5. wow how'd i miss this thread?! Are there any other pros on this site?
  6. ok ok, i have an old pair of Eastons — I forgot the model name but they're the ones with the carbon fiber looking wrist wrap and the stitched lettering. But I only use my Vapor XX's. I am due for a new pair of gloves. When I feel I'm worth of a pair of Eagle's, I'll order a pair ;)
  7. While I love the Bauer logo alone, them adding the Nike swoosh to it and enclosing it into a rectangle is damn near butchery of the Bauer logo...ruins those gloves. With just the Bauer logo they'd be sick. Very nice collection! Thanks to you, now I'm ordering my 2nd pair of gloves.
  8. Little update on my stuff. Helmet: RBK 8K (Black) Visor: ITECH Curved Shoulder pads: Easton Stealth Elbow pads: Franklin (some cheap pair) Gloves: Vapor XX (all Black) Pants: CCM V08 (Black) w/ RBK Edge Socks Shin pads: RBK 7K Fitlite Skates: RBK 9K Pumps (2009) Stick(s): Easton S19 Iginla / CCM V130 LeCavalier
  9. The new skates :) I love them Also, picked up this to wear during pickup and clinics — switching on and off between that and practice jerseys.
  10. Helmet: RBK 8k (1st gen) Visor: ITech HS22 Shoulder pads: Easton Ultra Lite Gloves: Bauer Vapor XX Pants: Tackla 900 Shin pads: RBK 6K Fitlite Skates: RBK 9K (2009) Stick(s): Easton S17 (Iginla), CCM V130, V120, V110 (LeCavalier), RBK 4K (Pronger)
  11. Now I dont feel bad about wanting to order a 2nd pair of gloves...
  12. My sticks...outdated due to me not playing in 3 years. You can see the gap in equipment LOL Left to right: Easton Carbon - Modano curve (I use this for outdoor roller hockey) CCM Vector 120 - LeCavalier CCM Vector 130 - LeCavalier CCM Vector 110 - Kaberle (same as Vinny) RBK 4K - Pronger (same as Vinny) Easton S17 Iginla (I've yet to use this one, need to cut it) So you can see...I've switched to a new curve. The LeCavalier/Kaberle was nice but I'm really liking the Modano and the Iginla was very close to it.
  13. Got 1/2 way through my 1st prestige then the servers started going crazy. I got frustrated with the continuous game crashes so I start playing NHL10 and now onto Mass Effect 2.
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