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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Shayno

  • Birthday 10/21/1970


  • Skates
    2006 CCM Pro Tacks
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    NBH Dri Fit
  • Elbow Pads
    Jofa pro 5044
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Pants
  • Helmet
    CCM HT2
  • Gloves
    Custom Flite's
  • Stick
    Warrior AK

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  1. They are regular/wide size anyway......
  2. HT2? Where did ya get a new one, if ya don't mind me asking? TY
  3. Thanks guys for info....I had a chance to "pull the trigger" on a pr of creepers, and steered away from them as I had heard so much about them being "tapered" or "slim", or "contoured"..... in my mind, I thought they were really narrow gloves? I guess its just a reminder that, no matter what picture you have in your head about the fit or feel of gloves.....you just have to try on that particular model of gloves to know for sure....Thanks again!
  4. Well....went to my LHS and tried to get 100/1, like jimmy suggested, but they told me the sharpest FBV cut they can do is 100/75! So went with 5/16 old style...Cheers!
  5. Sorry JR the 100/1 (sharpest) and I was thinking the smaller the # on the right.....the sharper the cut? Found chart! TY
  6. Thanks Jimmy.....I know for a fact that others I play pick up with, would not want their skates this sharp....but I have to have them this sharp! Tried the FBV 100/75, then tried the 100/50 and was not near sharp enough feeling...so I am going to try 100/1 and report back! Whats the second sharpest? 100/2 ??? Thanks again guys! Appreciate the help with this! ??? Wouldn't 100/50 be more bite?????
  7. Jimmy....so, I just say 100/1? to the fella who sharpens my skates? TY
  8. Can anyone suggest the "sharpest" FBV possible? I like my skates sharp, and tried 100/75, but didnt seem near sharp enough? Mind you, I liked the "glide" of the FBV, just didn't feel sharp enough, or like I could not cut well enough? Anyone? TY
  9. Frankenskates!!! No seriously they are really nice looking....Hope they work for ya? Cheers, and congrats......How much for all those modifications? Retail + $100? TY
  10. New to me....used pickups....Donald Audettes old jofa stuff. 5044's are sweet!
  11. Love the 95's dude.....very nice! Congrats!
  12. I switched back to reguler sharpening.....never felt "sharp" enough with FBV???? Not for me....My 2
  13. Yes...those are......um.......white.......LOL
  14. A whole page...and not one pic of Custom Gloves?
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