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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by top_shelf_24

  1. Decided not to make a new topic for these. (Not mine) http://cgi.ebay.ca/14-TPS-Pro-Hockey-Glove...bayphotohosting They look very different. Never seen a player use all leather and tufftek cuff, its usually opposite. Also, the fingers look like the gussets are extremely deep.
  2. How would you say Daoust compares to Graf skates?
  3. I like the "Ghettofab" beanie. Something I expected more from Warrior :P
  4. What do your gloves say on the side? I'm gonna guess "COFFEY"
  5. Theyre both medium. The cage is a FW4000
  6. Prostock Flyweights w/ Prostock mission blades Synergy 300's Nike V10's Intake
  7. Nice collection man. Whats up with the dolomite?
  8. Nice collection TBLfan. How do you like the vector protection stuff?
  9. just got an INTAKE. Woohoo!!! :D
  10. most of your gloves seem to be black so im guessing you like that colour but only highlight a bit of the glove green like as much yellow as there is on the MHS missions. I just thought it would look coll and i would buy them even if they did't match my team colours (and if I could afford them )
  11. try out the ONE90 gloves. Unless you plan on getting black/neon green custom eagles. That would look sick.
  12. direct quote from catalogue, "Do you know what time it is?!! It's time for Big Mack, yo!!"
  13. wow calm down. i think he was just saying it sucks how the discount stick looks better than the high performance one.
  14. likin' the green helmet ;) also, is nike a shaft, or just blacked out?
  15. do you like your oakleys? I need new gloves and those are an option.
  16. is that a 2005 synergy? the graphics are slanted, and also is says 65 flex
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