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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by niXon

  1. Just picked up a pair of one.9's And a family pic of my current twigs (Top two purchased from a MSH'er)
  2. Those are awesome!
  3. Just won these guys on ebay. Alway's loved this colorway and got them for a good price!
  4. 2 new twigs, B.Davidson U+CL and an unmarked 11k
  5. If you do end up wanting to unload them (Isles gloves) shoot me a PM with a price :)
  6. Do you play in Winsport?
  7. I did not encounter any lack of bite like you did. However with that said I think it has more to do with the sharpening than it does the actual steel.
  8. Selection was pretty weak. I was just there to snag a cheap pair of bindings and a coat for the wife. Couldn't pass up the blades for $2 though. I'll use em on the stick I screw around with in the garage. Not to worried about the durability.
  9. My recent pickups Pro Stock Tom Poti Warrior Dolo DD 115flex. This has to be the boxiest shaft I have ever handled. Score of the day! 3 wood one95 P88 blades, and 3 unmarked composite blades (all have different curves) all for the great price of $2/ea Would love to try and figure out what the composite blades are but I don't even know where to start. No markings on them whatsoever and no real weave pattern to be seen.
  10. I have these on my one80's. Great upgrade from the stock steel.
  11. http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Pro-NHL-Jofa-6070-ice-hockey-shin-guards-sr-18-senior-mens-centre-ice-shins-/120805897579?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c2097b56b#ht_978wt_1110 If any of the tall/huge members here are looking for 6070's they've got 10 pairs here. Was up at 20 pairs only a few days ago!
  12. Just scored these on ebay for $69. Pretty pumped as XL's don't pop up to often.
  13. He posted that a couple replies up
  14. Maybe better suited for the inline equipment thread.
  15. You sound like a complete and utter push over. Stand up for yourself and grow a pair.
  16. That RBK lid posted up there is UGLY. To each their own I guess.
  17. Ordered on May 10th and they arrived yesterday.
  18. Gloves are finally in my possession. Here's a couple quick snaps
  19. Finally got my custom franchises in my hands Also picked up a pair of 4 roll pros today as I had to finally part with my S19's
  20. New mitts arrived at PSHG today! Now to just wait to get them in my hands.
  21. Got to the Flames sale super late so there was almost nothing left. Scored these Jofa 6800 shouldies for $25 so pretty happy about that. Also picked up a pair of Edge socks for $5. Been wanting to try them out for a while, but can't justify the retail price. Wish I had gone earlier looks like there was a ton of good stuff!
  22. Flames equipment sale takes place on June 11th. http://flames.nhl.co...s.htm?id=564707
  23. For those that have ordered custom Franchises off of PSHG, what was the turn around time like?
  24. Spent some of my birthday cash on this setup. S9 with Oakley pro straight.
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