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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. I'm glad thats not the case for True goalie gear or skates.
  2. Theres a sidelineswap listing for PX6 skates. Interesting. https://sidelineswap.com/gear/hockey/skates/8999036-true-2025-px6-hockey-skates-regular-width-pro-stock-9-new
  3. Spot heat the very top couple eyelets, stick a softball in and throw them in the fridge for rapid cooling. Really had to do the same with my VH customs. No change to fit at all. I also started using a shoe horn just out of necessity.
  4. They aren't. They have a lattice pattern that makes up a lot of the tongue. Makes them lightweight, great airflow, and zero moisture retention. The lattice pattern would be difficult to do without being 3d printed.
  5. Have a teammate with them, and absolutely loves them. He too noticed the ventilation. I'm likely sticking with my TF9 for now but when I get my SVH custom next year I absolutely plan on going with those.
  6. I can because I still have one. It was flat.
  7. The crossgrind ring had a hollow? Seemed flat to me.
  8. Likely just less abrasive so it doesn't start fires in the filter anymore :)
  9. You can use one of the many image hosting services. imgur is a good one. Image uploads are only available for Members++ which are available here: https://modsquadhockey.com/forums/store/category/1-subscription-to-gear-exchange/
  10. He's been injured all season, so there's that too.
  11. I'm not sure when it was last updated, but I had to re-write the tool when the site was restored after an outage and we changed hosts :)
  12. Unless its been changed, its 5.5. Check the pattern database: https://www.modsquadhockey.com/patterndb/ And yes, should be the same as the True TC2 (Bauer P92), again unless its been changed
  13. That's fine, but saying they are horrible is just false. They may not work for you, but that doesn't make them horrible.
  14. Were your True just from your old VH tracings, or from a scan (or a scan + tracings?) I really have to wonder if they just managed to mess up your order and if you were happy with VH maybe just having them built on your previous tracings, without a scan, might be worth a shot? Logically it wouldn't make a ton of sense - you'd think more shape data would be better - but you never know, I guess?
  15. Have never heard of anywhere having insurance beyond USAH. I'd just be using my personal insurance for any injuries anyway, though.
  16. If you're an adult, then whatever is more comfortable to you :)
  17. I can't tell if this is a joke or a serious question.
  18. If they are retail, absolutely. If they are custom, you probably shouldn't. The boot is already shaped to your foot. Kind of defeating the point putting a generic shaped insole into a custom boot.
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