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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Hah. My philosophy is that small problems are the worst kind because they shouldn't be problems in the first place. I especially love that it's the same people who either complain when I post in this thread or "like" posts that make fun of me for posting here :) Regardless of whether it's something significant or just a minor annoyance, I still take shit for it. It's the venting thread for a reason guys... I envy those who never having anything to vent about!
  2. Apparently I also scored two goals? http://icetowncarlsbad.hockeyshift.com/stats/game/42/124/league//26284 (Pretty sure those both belong to Shai Brunis, who is listed as the assist on both of them)
  3. Yea it's weird I can search my iPhone for the track I want and play it all from the steering wheel but a simple "next track" function is absent.
  4. Why in the blue hell does this cars steering wheel not have a track forward/back button? I can do everything under the friggin sun with it except change the song apparently. And yes I realize you all said I'd be bitching about my car eventually. STFU.
  5. Ignore the people who say you can't do it. Work hard and listen to advice you get along the way, and have fun. You may never get out of a bottom tier beer league, but that's hardly the point. Just get out and have fun. I started at 27, BTW. Now 33.
  6. Won 5-3 in easily the best game I've ever played in goal. It was against the first place team, who tend to stomp everyone. We're now tied for first place with them! I don't know what it is but this has been a really good week. Must be the VH skates? ;)
  7. I agree. Even if you CAN tell the difference unless you're an elite athlete it won't matter.
  8. Man I wish I was a high enough level where 100g matters.
  9. ^ Am I the only one who re-tapes their stick every week? :P
  10. Had a pretty good night at pickup on Tuesday night. Starts at 9:20 and didn't let the first goal in until after 10pm. Only five total. Unfortunately I didn't charge my gopro first so the battery died with about 15 minutes left. During that time I had two guys coming to me to tell me how well I'm playing, that not only am I stopping everything but my rebound control has been much better. He actually asked if I had just got back from a goalie camp because I had been away so many weeks. That was really encouraging :) Here's the video:
  11. That's the point, I wouldn't want it to be absorbent. I switched to sham and it's definitely better than the stock Bauer one.
  12. I'm tempted to try just using no-sweats in my mask instead of a sweatband. They worked wonders in my player helmet. Also if I went to maltese padding I wouldn't use a sweatband in my helmet at all. I think I'd prefer to just give my face a shot of water occasionally instead.
  13. I'm guessing its either thicker material (makes sense, being carbon fiber already which is what some of the shot blockers on the market are) or a layer on the outside of the carbon fiber. Keep in mind it's not the carbon fiber that is the moldable part. It's probably a similar concept to the new goalie skates that have integrated cowlings (that may or may not be allowed to be talked about on MSH so I won't say more than that about them).
  14. Heh this got me curious to see what size cowlings went on mine. Size 8 apparently. Came from an 8EE Reactor, so that's not surprising.
  15. It's a custom skate built based on your foot tracings, there is no "size". The skate will fit your foot without assigning a number to it. That said, they will install the appropriate size holders for the skate, or tell you what size to buy if you choose to buy/mount your own holders.
  16. Who ignored the instructions?
  17. I would suggest you not buy them, then. If having a custom fit skate isn't worth the little bit of tinkering you may need to do or the possibility of minor issues because its not mass-produced and therefore a bit more prone to error, simply don't buy them. Also the "bottle of glue" comment wasn't a serious comment, it was sarcasm.
  18. ^ exactly this. Any minor issues are worth it to not have pain. If I could wear a retail skate I would.
  19. Mammoth bag sold to Sid NME cage sold on GGSU EQ30 pants sold on eBay
  20. Tempted to try it. I wore one under my catchers mitt back in the day. Can also get a padded version that may alleviate stingers.
  21. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Loctite-4g-Ultra-Gel-Control-Super-Glue-Bottle-1363589/202020461
  22. You will want to use a shoe horn when baking VH skates. They have some videos on their site of the baking process. And I agree, absolutely common sense to loosen the skates more than you might otherwise due to the wrap. No big deal, I'll just use the glue he suggested and problem solved.
  23. He actually asked if I had used a shoe horn while baking (which I had). Rob gave me the name of a glue I should use to glue it back in, and said if I still have issues I can send them in for repair. (I confirmed that they would accept them for repair even after I attempted the fix myself). Laser: do you use a shoehorn every time you put your skates on?
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