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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Louie

  1. Locker I built from some Ikea shelves.
  2. Actually, when I first started skating in March of 04 my girlfriend bought me the RH one. After playing my first season of Adult League I wasn't real comfortable with it so I switched.
  3. I wish. I just love CCM B)
  4. CCM 852 Helmet Black/White (White not in pic) CCM 452 Elbow Pads CCM 452 Shin pads CCM Pro Tack Gloves CCM 1052 Radioactive Gloves (Navy-Not in pic) CCM Pants Pro Return - Patrick Sharp CCM Externo E-50 Pro Return Bag - Pittsbrgh Penguins CCM 110 Vector Pro Return - LH Axelsson CCM 110 Vector - RH Stuart Itech Pro Jock
  5. Skates: CCM Externo E-50 Gloves: CCM Pro Tacks Helmet: CCM 852 (Black and White) Elbow: CCM 452 Shin: CCM 452 Shoulder: CCM 452 Pants: CCM Pro Pants (Pro Return from Philly - Sharp) Sticks: CCM 110 Vector - Axelsson LH and Stuart RH
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