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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Louie

  1. They're not. I came from a pair of 13" CCM CL gloves and they're not as tight fitting as those, but compared to a regular width Franchise I couldn't give you a comparison. I'm happy with them though.
  2. Where did you find the Penguins gloves?
  3. I ordered mine on November 9th. It was less than four weeks.
  4. Yes, I did. Was very detailed in everything I did. But, customer service is very slow from PSHG, but once they talk to you things go smooth. Though, I still have not heard about my mistake, is it Warrior making mistakes or is it PSHG?
  5. 13" Narrow Warrior Franchises... Came super fast from PSHG, but there was supposed to a full cuff roll for logo... other than that very happy outside of the font they used for the name on the cuff... Custom initials were an extra $40.
  6. Yeah, called earlier today and left a message, I sent a screen cap of what I wanted to confirm.
  7. Just ordered a pair of Franchises from Pro Stock Hockey Gear, I sent them an email as I had a small change to make and haven't heard back. Do they submit a final sample before they go to production?
  8. I'm a small/medium, I've been in touch with those guys. Been dying for a pair like these.
  9. Just ordered! First time and first non-CCM piece of equipment I will own. Hossa Cuff 13" Narrow Leather Asked for italic font on name and asked for initials on the wrist guard underneath
  10. Dupes, where did you come across those CCM pants? Been looking a long time for "updated" CCMs.
  11. Does anyone know if Pro Stock Hockey Gear is offering a custom CCM glove?
  12. ND gloves are absolutely sick.
  13. I remember someone liking Sykora gloves in this thread, so I'm throwing this out there for them: http://cgi.ebay.com/Petr-Sykora-Game-issued-gloves-Signed-/220707728733?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item336334ad5d
  14. +1 to Louie. Jersey as described and quick shipping.

  15. Any word if alternates will be available for team wear?
  16. Adult League Champs Winter 2009... June 2009 was the championship
  17. I like those with a white holder.
  18. I have to say, I went to get a new pair of skates the other day and I think the u+ are poorly made, they felt really cheap and really soft. No stiffness. Ended up with a pair V10.0s for $250.
  19. One last question on the team wear, are they cut normal or tighter?
  20. JR what's the price point on the team wear Edge jerseys?
  21. Yeah, I know the price of that stuff, I was talking about the team wear stuff in the catalog. The Edge jerseys are available blank now.
  22. Does anyone know any info about the team wear Edge stuff? Is it more like a replica or an authentic, I didn't get a good read from the description. Price point?
  23. Sad to see the 852/1052 go away, love it. Though I enjoy my Vector helmet, it's odd to see CCM in this new direction....
  24. Was reading this thread as St. Louis made the pick, congrats David!!
  25. Interesting tape job, Louie. How'd you do this? Black tape first than a candy cane white tape job on top? Any added benefits from this or is this purely aesthetics? I take some old scrap tape and and make the ribbing, I then put a single layer of black over the ribbing. I leave enough space while putting the ribbing on to fit a single layer of tape to give it the striped effect. Its purely aesthetic, I just like to have something different. Yes, I do. Its the only stuff I will use. I just wish they would send me some free stuff haha.
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