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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Haggerty

  1. look like the rbk 852T http://cgi.ebay.com/REEBOK-852T-PRO-CUSTOM-HOCKEY-GLOVES-NORFOLK-AHL-14-/140585311892?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20bb899e94
  2. Nice gloves, really like the cuff on them
  3. 5 minute, those x7.0?
  4. Yeah don't wear that in sweden or finland
  5. you're suppose to wait a minimum of 16hours from what I have always heard
  6. beauties man, looks like Team Canada gloves eh?
  7. http://bluejackets.nhl.com/club/page.htm?id=69464&navid=DL|CBJ|home Columbus Blue Jackets Pro Sale on Draft Day June 24th
  8. Those are some beauts eh
  9. Helmet: CCM V05 (black helmet has CCM 480 cage, white helmet has Mirror Itech curved visor) Elbow: Old Koho (model number is worn off) Pants: CCM Tacks girdle, Tackla shell Shins: bauer supreme 4000 Shoulder Pads: None Skates: s17's (falling apart quickly) and vapor x60's Gloves: Mission Boss (garbage though, just got them in January and already have no palms and the cuff is falling out, back to eagles) Sticks: Mission Pro-Stock V-Hex Grip
  10. Nice looking skate. Looking at the picture though I might have to question about the durability of the eyelets on them, especially if they are like S17 and prior model eastons. I hope they fixed that though because I really do like these skates, I am just holding out to see the durability with them.
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