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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. How would you compare the depth of the barkov and backstrom to the p88? I tried the Malkin pro and was disappointed to find it was basically flat for most of the blade. I always liked the deep pocket of the p88, but the p106 was my favorite before because of the rocker and not so crazy heel.
  2. I got the idea from this video. https://youtu.be/Fx7rYOxR5XQ Only one I could find on swapping true holders, albeit from old vh to new shift holders.
  3. For those that swapped out the shift holders for Bauer/CCM, did you get the holes filled with epoxy and holes drilled after, or did you re use existing holes/stretched them/drilled new holes as necessary? Does it make any difference either way?
  4. Thanks for the feedback. I got my foot rescanned by someone at the store more knowledgeable. Luckily it doesn't sound like it will affect the lead time. It is a bit concerning, especially since true has instructional videos that seem to cover it quite clearly.
  5. I got scanned for a pair of custom trues last week. Going back and looking at some reviewer videos, I notice they had their knees right over their toes. When I did my scan the guy told me to keep my leg more or less straight. How much will this impact my final product? Should I go back and get scanned again? Lead time is 10 weeks right now.
  6. My region doesn't require masks. In fact, outside of 'cohorting' our league, there isn't any changes. But I play center, so taking faceoffs with some dude in my face just seems like a bad idea.
  7. I personally didn't like the quad 0 because it made going heel to heel awkward. backwards skating was fine, if anything easier for backwards cross overs where you can cut C's with your toe edge, but I agree with the earlier statement if you turn on your heel edges the quad 0 is awkward. If you cut turns by leaning into your toe edges, think crossovers, then I see the advantages of quad 0.
  8. I bought both, as well as the shock doctor mask. I got the bauer splash in the wrong size so couldn't actually try it, but I wasn't impressed when I got it up to my face shield. the ccm mask is vastly superior to the shock doctor; it's the one i'll be sticking with. The shock doctor is viable if you were just using a visor. I didn't mind it too much.
  9. How's the pitch on these skates? I'm strongly considering them coming from jetspeeds profiled neutral and wondering if swapping out holders will be necessary.
  10. I paid $450 for my $900 CCM jetspeeds and some of my friends got them for $400. Even at $400 I'm sure the local big box store was making a profit. No one would consider the jetspeeds a $400 skate when they came out, so I don't think comparing a full price product to a sale product makes sense.
  11. if you're looking at custom curves, the kucherov is just the p28 but not as open.
  12. I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure that's from the laces on eyelets 1/2 digging into your leg when you flex forward. It looks very similar to what I had. It takes a couple months to heal, a week or two won't do it, doesn't matter what you do to your skate it'll flare up. What you need to do is relieve the pressure from that location. lace extenders is one way, skipping the 1st eyelet is another, idea is the same. What doesn't work is more material in that area, as it'll just add pressure.
  13. Can you be more specific on what kind of lace bite you are getting? if it's in the 3rd/4th/5th eyelet area, that can be caused by skates with not enough volume. If that is the case, the jump from vapors to supremes should of fixed it. if it's in the 1st/2nd eyelet, the issue is likely forward bend. adding more material in the form of bunga pads, lace bite pads, double tongues, wont' fix that because your are further restricting movement. I had this issue, the only permanent solution i found was lace extenders. These are the ones I got. https://greatsavessports.com/skate-lace-bite-eliminators/ haven't had lace bite in years.
  14. similarly, this is what i used and this essentially solved my lace bite problem. recommended from here a ways back. http://www.greatsaves.org/skate_lace_extenders.html i only actually use the 2 of the 3 eyelets.
  15. https://www.wilson.com/en-us/tennis/grips/overgrips/pro-overgrip-3-pack i've used this stuff on my hockey sticks in the past. they're 0.55mm so essentially the same thickness as lizard skin. they do shift a bit because there's no adhesive but they're so cheap i just overlap them a bit more.
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