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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

5 Minute Major

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Everything posted by 5 Minute Major

  1. I've been listening to a lot of Chromeo lately.
  2. UCLA, those Letangs are dirty! I want those!
  3. Nice! I wanna order a pair soon. with Mustang Palms!
  4. Casey Anthony was sentenced to 4 years for lying. edit* she's probably gonna be out by August. smh
  5. I like them a lot. Excellent feel for the stick with them. I use my 4 Rolls more now that they are broken in though. I do however want to order a pair of Franchise's soon.
  6. Damn bro! That sucks! Get well soon.
  7. I heard she had a big kool-aid smile on her face when the verdict came out. smh
  8. Casey Anthony found not guilty. WOW! WTF!
  10. I had to stand there and take a deep breath to control myself. I was fuming inside. I meet at least 1 everyday at work. ugh
  11. I'm gonna have a ball in this thread. lol People who bring their kids should really control their kids in a store. I just had a customer who's kid was running all over the store... behind the counter and all. He was grabbing everything and throwing it on the ground while screaming. I told her to please calm her kid down and she just said, "Stop it", then proceeded to just look at the phones. I'm sitting here trying to help a customer and watching him at the same time. LEAVE YOUR KID AT HOME IF THEY ARE HARD TO HANDLE IN A STORE. IT'S NOT A PLAYGROUND!
  12. ugh.. I think I waited 4-5 hours. I really hope I didn't mess them up. The eyelets look ok but I guess I'll find out soon enough.
  13. I run a Metropcs store and it really grinds my gears when I'm trying to get the store ready for the day in the morning and a customer comes to the door 10-15 minutes before the store opens banging on the door. When the sign says 10am and the lights are off. We're clearly not open yet and will be at 10am! Let me finish setting up the store so I can open!
  14. yeah, I won't forget that ever again.
  15. hahaha I actually bought my easton s17's, shoulder, shins, girdle, helmet & elbows from them in the past 3-4 months. I think I spent enough money there. hahah I hope!
  16. Yeah, I definitey have to say something to them because I really don't think they would not tell me if they knew. I'm one of their best customers.
  17. great! They even asked me if I was going to use them tonight.
  18. I have no clue... are you? The place where I got them baked didn't say anything to me about that. Then again, I didn't buy them from them so they probably didn't care. I hope I wasn't supposed to wait.
  19. My new 7.0's came in today! Just baked and ready to go for tonight's game!
  20. hahahaha... but yeah, avoiding contact was key. It hurt but it was probably the best decision I made in the process. we actually started talking again a couple of years ago and I don't have the same feeling as I used to. Thank god! hahaha
  21. Bro, I was in your EXACT situation. Diabetes and all. It took me a long time to get over my ex. Almost 10 years. I look back at it now realizing that it shouldn't have taken that long. I wish I could go back and just get over it. Don't waste your precious time thinking about the past. Especially if it's over an old flame. If she comes back to you then that's great. Just live your life and let your path fall into place. You'll be so much happier. Believe me.... you'll be happier. Good luck with everything. You'll be ok.
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