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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

black hills tj

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Everything posted by black hills tj

  1. I'm jealous. I only play beer league, so white gloves aren't really a big deal. I just have bricks for hands :P
  2. I don't think I'd ever have the balls to wear white gloves on the ice, but those are HOT. I'm a sucker for teal.
  3. Dig the China set. I bet that was a pain to put together.
  4. Lem, that setup is sick. Mind blowing. I know some people don't like the intricate, fancy designs, but I love it! On another note, some Tampa gear that my Brother in Law and I have collected so far.
  5. Helmet: Reebok 8k w/ 480 Shoulders: Nike Bauer Supreme 30 Elbow: Bauer XVI Gloves: Depends on the day/color (navy XXXX, blk/ora Vapor Pro, Reebok Moose Prostocks, blk X20, grn or blue Bauer 4 roll) Pants: Graf G700 Shins: Warrior Method Skates: Bauer X15 Sticks: 67 flex Combat 52 Cal, Easton Z Bubble(back up)
  6. Its a damn good thing my wife plays hockey, or she'd kill me...These may just be in the mail to my place tomorrow Ought to go nicely with my wife's brother's present to himself that also gets here this week
  7. Three pairs of gloves in one week? Its like Christmas in July. these just howed up...thirty five bucks shipped
  8. These 13.5 Moose Prostocks are in the mail...cant wait for them to get here!
  9. Id call that a good day.
  10. No Joke...steal. First gloves Ive picked up that I feel are worthy of sharing. Vapor Pros...picked em up for 30 bucks!
  11. Those gloves are gorgeous...just too big :(
  12. Ill take the x30s. Pm me your paypal addy.
  13. Interested in sizes on both the CCM and Bauer shoulders. Thanks.
  14. Damn...sorry to hear that. My mom had breast cancer back in the early 90s and fortunately she is a survivor. However, my grandfather passed away last thursday night.
  15. I currently wear 13" Bauers, but I do have some room in them. My fiance has a pair of 12" Tacklas and they are snug but not too tight on my hand.
  16. http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1423.l2649 Nice pickup
  17. Are those the 12" gloves that were just on ebay? I was watching them, because I dig the colors. I'm not sure if a 12" glove would be too small though, and I don't have 30 bucks.
  18. My 97 TJ...finishing up swapping in a 318 as we speak. My fiance posing My 05 Grand...limited, 4.7, power everything, sunroof, leather, butt warmers, etc My 00 Camaro I sold to get the Grand My dad's 67
  19. Not a huge fan of white gloves, but those CCMs look slick.
  20. Just saw these and thought of your post http://www.ebay.com/itm/Reebok-7000-Custom-14-Sr-Ice-Hockey-Gloves-/110674575326?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_2&hash=item19c4b7ffde
  21. I'd definitely hit the ice a few times. It's totally different skating in players gear(let alone goalie gear. I don't play goalie), but you need to be comfortable on the ice before you'll be comfortable playing the puck. I just play in C league, but the biggest thing I've noticed is how much of a difference it makes when someone can skate. I've honestly seen guys that can stand in one spot and play with the puck and they luck good...until they start to try to move around. I've heard many times from different people who have played goalie and coached, that the goalie on a team should be the best skater.
  22. Picked it up on Craiglist. Guy was in Ft. Collins getting rid of some gear so he could go play juniors in Canada. Sold it to me with a couple other things super cheap +like 10 bucks for shipping.
  23. So I picked up an Easton S9 helmet for 15 bucks in nearly new condition. I played with it tonight, and I really liked it. Its quite comfortable and you can hardly tell its on! I threw on a Bauer straight cut(got 2 of them for 20 bucks), and it worked like a charm for the little scrimmage we had tonight!
  24. We have a CHL team out here, but they don't sell off their old stuff(that I know of anyway).
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