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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Scopes

  • Birthday 10/27/1989


  • Skates
    Graf G35 Ultra
  • Hockey Bag
    Team Canada Bag!
  • Shin Pads
    RBK 6K
  • Elbow Pads
    RBK 7K
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Pants
    Bauer Supreme 2000
  • Helmet
    RBK 11K
  • Gloves
    RBK 8K
  • Stick
    RBK 11k//Easton ST

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  • Location
    Van Isl
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  1. Glad I used the search before I posted this too! I have experienced terrible sharpenings before, likely due to incompetent skate techs, but I had always assumed there was a level of finess required - is this true? I'm a fair believer in by hand > by machine, but if this machine does what it's supposed to do, perfectly every time then it seems great. Hopefully someone with experience sharpening skates can give insight whether an automated system could be comparable to doing by hand.
  2. Leafs June 15th http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/292111a2#/292111a2/1
  3. Promoting the anti-flop, you'd have to be nuts to show that off.
  4. I think that totally depends on how the stick was repaired, there are a few methods out there that I have seen that work quite well.
  5. Scopes

    Eagle PPF x 705

    Product: Eagle x705 Use: Two months, usually 2 games and 2 practices/scrimmages weekly Height: 5'11 Weight: 195lbs Position: Left Wing, Left D, right shot Fit 9/10 These gloves are a classic fit and are true to size. The X705 is a budget glove and was purchased as a backup pair to be used while training. They broke in quickly but did not last long enough for me to adequately judge them. Weight/Mobility (8/10): There are lighter gloves on the market; however, the Eagle X705 provided excellent mobility. The mid level protection allowed good finger dexterity and the index finger is a 3 knuckle design giving a large range of motion. From new the gloves were loose feeling and did not require any form of breaking in to feel comfortable. The lock thumb is nice and stiff and what you would expect out of a modern glove. Protection (8/10): I was happy with the level of protection these gloves offered, plastic inserts over single density foam are more than adequate for practice and shinny play. Durability (0/10): The stitching ripped on the upper hand only months into these gloves lives. Because they were purchased in a clearance sale the store did not want to return or exchange them. I was very disappointed in the lack of longevity these gloves showed as I have had excellent, though more expensive, gloves from Eagle in the past and expected these to be constructed to the same standard of quality as the rest. Though I would like to attribute this to an unluckiness the lower hand stitching also started to give, which leads me to believe this was more than just coincidence. Aesthetics: (10/10) Classic Eagle 4-roll looks, very nice. Tufftek exterior with Eagle MSH3 palm. Conclusion: (7/10) I may have got an unlucky bounce on these gloves but I was quite disappointed with the results. Initially everything was as expected, a solid budget glove to be used as a second pair, but with time they fell apart and were relegated to the junk pile. Aesthetically they are great, protection leaves nothing to be desired and overall they have the makings of a great budget glove. If durability was not an issue (though this may have been an isolated case) I would have no hesitations of recommending this glove to anyone. Edit for rating numbers.
  6. Scopes

    Reebok 11k OPS

    Product: Reebok 11k Sickick 3 Grip P91A, 1'' cut Use: Nine months, usually 2 games and 2 practices/scrimmages weekly Height: 5'11 Weight: 195lbs Position: Left Wing, Left D, right shot Aesthetics: 9/10 Subdued flash adequately describes this stick. A dark colorway with light, reflective lettering provides classic hockey stick looks as well as some modern flair. Weight/balance: 9/10 Although not the lightest stick on the market, the 11k feels very balanced in my hands. On defense once handed stick play is very comfortable and the stick is cooperative in the sense that it is light enough to poke check with while having enough weight to actually knock the puck away and disrupt play. As a winger the weight of the stick assists in its solid feel requiring a hard stick check to knock the puck off the blade. The 11k is an excellent weight and the balance makes the stick easy to control with one hand. Blade: 9/10 The blade of the stick is very stiff and after months of use has not lost any rigidity. As an aggressive stick checker this blade has been stepped on smashed and jammed many times, and still is holding strong. I play every game with fresh tape covering the toe and have not had any issues with the blade. Thought The rounded toe has not given me any chipping issues. Shaft/Flex: 9/10 This stick has a nice mid point kick to the flex pattern and is consistent in its pop. After nine months of use, the flex remains very much the same, not having flexed out or developed any strange flex patters throughout the stick. The shaft profile is a square with rounded edges which feels nice in the the hands. The grip feel is not overly tacky which allows movement of the lower hand with ease though having enough hold to prevent the stick from twisting in the hands when a hard slap shot is taken. Stickhandling/Passing: 9/10 From a defenseman's perspective this stick is great for throwing out long flat hard passes, and as a forward it is easy to receive a puck either on either side of the blade. The P91a works excellent with the shaft for cradling and protecting the puck while having plenty of loft for saucer passes. Shooting: 10/10 I love shooting with this stick. The puck absolutely explodes off the blade and I find that the accuracy is unparalleled. The consistency of the stick makes it very easy to get used to, because the same thing is expected with every shot. Every shot is usable with this stick, it does not favor any specifically. Durability: 8/10 I have had very good durability with this stick. Despite lots of graphic flaking and cuts and dings the stick has held up very well for the abuse I have put it through. It's going on nine months without breaking which is incredible for me. Conclusion 9/10 The Reebok 11k is a great all around stick, very durable, consistent and fun to play with. I would recommend this stick to anyone. I have enjoyed using it and would purchase another. Now that it is no longer RBK's flagship stick, great deals can be found on it making it a very good value for a stick.
  7. That looks awesome, really nice work.
  8. Happy with the current setup: Helmet - RBK 11k - F480 cage Shoulder - Itech frankenpads Elbow - RBK 7K Pro Gloves - RBK 8K Pro Pants - Bauer Supreme 2000 Shins - RBK 6K Pro Skates - Graf G35 Ultra Sticks - RBK 11k 102 flex - P38 Sticks - Bauer TotalOne 102 flex - P91A Sticks - Easton Synergy ST 85 Flex Cut 2'' - P4
  9. Picked up some shin's the other day, went for one skate in them and they feel long, used to a 15'' and these are 16'' so I might have to go shins over tongues now (yikes). Need another good skate to really figure it out though . Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us *Edit: rotated photos
  10. What is that? Lower back pad?
  11. Kamloops Blazers WHL End of Year Sale Friday, May 11th from 4:00pm – 7:00pm. The store will also be open on Saturday, May 12th from 9:00am – 12:00pm. These hours are in addition to the Blazers Store being open on Thursdays from 11:00am – 3:00pm, or open on request if you visit the Kamloops Blazers Office. Many store items will be on sale, as well as used hockey equipment including gloves, goaltender pads, etc. Location: Interior Savings Center - Kamloops BC
  12. Those are absolutely unreal. So jealous that you found a pair of brand new ones, they are one of my all time favorite skates. Enjoy them.
  13. Flop for days - a must have. I couldn't skate with my tongues under shin pads to save my life.
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