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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Hendricks433

  1. any idea when the protective and covert gloves will be available? I really need elbows but I really want to try this stuff out first.
  2. These are some pictures from our game against Red Wing Alumni last Saturday. Had a lot of cancellations so there were no big names there, some never even played for the Wings but were in the NHL. I'm the one with my hand at my mouth.
  3. I'm a relatively new skater and just started realizing there are different hollows and cuts. Went from a 1/2" to a 5/8" and was loving it then I tried a 5/8" equivalent for FBV the past 2 times on the ice and it feels very different. Seems to have less bite than 5/8" but not really comparable.
  4. Are there special specs on those Franchises? They look different.
  5. I'm surprised by this as well. Expected a change there. Did they remove the entire 4-roll line because it doesnt appear anywhere in the catalog and their on clearance everywhere.
  6. Picked up a pair of these from Peranis, brand new 2007 9K's for $30.
  7. What Jersey is that and where did you get it?
  8. Skates: Bauer Vapor 2.0 Stick: Bauer Total One Shaft 75flex w/ Warrior Vanek Blade. Just ordered an INT Warrior AK27 for my AK27 Vanek Blade to try out. Gloves: Bauer 4 Rolls, Reebok 7000 4 Rolls Helmet: Reebok 4K with Oakley Visor Pants: Warrior Koncepts Shoulder Pads: Warrior Bulley's Elbow Pads: Warrior Methods Shin Pads: Bauer One 80's Hockey Bag: Some old POS from when I was in Middle School.
  9. Is it ok to go to FBV and back to regular sharpening on the same skate?
  10. I just got into Ice Hockey Skates: Bauer Vapor 2.0(Upgrading once I learn to skate well and these will be my Pond Hockey skates probably) Stick: Bauer X40 - 92 curve, Warrior Johnson Shaft - Warrior Federov Blade Gloves: Bauer Vapor X(Buying Bauer 4-Rolls with Christmas gift card) Helmet: Reebok 4K(White) Bauer 8500 (Black. 8 or 9 years old maybe) Visor: Oakley Pro Modified(Just got it, havent worn it yet) Shoulder Pads: 2011 Warrior Bully Elbow Pads: Warrior Methods I believe Shin Pads: CCM Vector 04 Pants: Reebok 5K
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