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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by acollette49

  1. sort of a graf/flexlite mutation thing going on there.
  2. my favorite pants ever. i keep checking ebay, but never find any in my size.
  3. so i moved to nyc yesterday to finish school, which is a +. the - is that today i took the bus up to school for a department meeting and my meniers reared its ugly, dizzy head. by the time the meeting was over and i did all that i had to i felt better, but was in serious need of a nap and lunch. this is getting really old. ive been taking drugs to help with the symptoms, but today... no fun. its been 2 months and ive done nothing. i couldnt drive when i was home, couldnt skate... i know that 2 of the triggers for the 'episodes' is stress and lack of sleep. this is going to be a tough 9 months in a new, unfamiliar place.
  4. good news - ct scan was negative. bad news - still no 100% diagnosis. could be a form of meniere's, so i was given a diuretic to see if that helps...
  5. yeah, i have the same sort of thing. it comes and goes. i had a number of good days, but the last 2 have been pretty rough. i havent had an issue with standing yet, and hope not to. driving is my main problem. im sort of ok with a short trip, no more than 5 miles, but thats it. my blood pressure is high, but treated. ive had also had bloodwork to rule out diabetes and other things. as well as an ekg. its frustrating. my mom actually mentioned that 3 people who go to the same hairdresser as her have had dizziness with no diagnosis. 1 has had relief from acupuncture. good luck to you and your wife.
  6. yikes. luckily, ive only had one really bad day and nothing like your wife experienced. i just read a bit on miniere's, and some of the symptoms sound close but others are not so much. honestly, i dont know what it could be. im hopeful that its a quick and easy fix. i should find out on friday.
  7. ...and they didnt do a whole lot for the dizziness. relieved the pressure a bit, but thats it. after some tests last week, the ear dr decided he needed a second ct scan of my inner-ear to help with the diagnosis. hopefully this gets some result. ive missed the last month of skating (playoffs + finals starting tomorrow) and im moving to nyc in 10 days... dont need this to linger. plus side of all of this, and its sort of a stretch, i got laid-off at the end of june so i havent missed any work. woo.
  8. yeah, blood pressure meds. but its not them. ive been off and on them while this has been going on. i actually just got back from the ear dr. he said theres inflammation causing a pressure change, which in turn is likely causing the dizziness. ive got some drugs, hopefully theyll help out so i can skate on monday!
  9. dunno. its not a 'spinning' or moving sensation really, the er people ruled vertigo out because of that. hopefully i get a definitive answer soon.
  10. was feeling pretty good for a couple of days, so i decided to try to skate tonight. had to cut it short... dizziness again. ear-nose-throat dr. on friday... plus side - my blood work came back pretty clean (except for higher than optimum triglycerides), so no diabetes. minus - still no idea whats causing this...
  11. my dr. was leaning more to 'inner-ear'. i went out yesterday and got a bit dizzy in a couple of brightly lit stores...
  12. a few weeks ago i skated and after the game, got pretty dizzy. i put that to not having eaten enough. played a few more games that week and felt fine. two weeks ago, while sitting in barnes and noble, i got dizzy again and decided to get to the er. they did a ct scan, ekg, and blood work, all with no results. had an eye exam and saw my dr, this week (scheduled to have more blood work done), still nothing. havent been really dizzy since the day of the er visit but i havent been able to drive, it gets a bit sketchy. its getting frustrating. cant go anywhere. cant play. and no answers. all i want is something concrete and treatable.
  13. found these in a closet. last pair of easton gloves i will ever own. (unless they change the way they fit)
  14. i actually went and looked at some of the stuff ive done in the last 6 months. i found 4, and only 4, files that were over 10mb. all 4 were +/- 60mb before zipping, but all were 36x48 posters with an image as the main graphic. just because someone can make a pretty design doesnt mean they can construct the file properly. and that always amazes me.
  15. damn dude. how the hell does that happen!? im a graphic designer and ive never sent anything to print thats been more than 10 mbs. and that includes hi-res stuff.
  16. one90 pros - bottom are u michigan, travis turnbull returns. top are from east west hockey. vapor xxxx pros - black are unnamed. blue are nikita filatov returns. 14" -1 cuff. im starting to love the xxxxs more and more as i wear them.
  17. thanks! im pretty happy with them.
  18. i suppose i should have looked a bit closer eh? no retail liner, no graphic overlay thing...
  19. new toys... the gloves are supposed to be pro stock xxxxs, but they dont seem any different than the retail. i still like em though.
  20. never, ever, under any circumstance, throw a water bottle onto the ice after a bad goal. especially in the championship game when the game is tied with less than 3 minutes left in the third. even more especially when it gives the other team yet another power play. they will score and you will lose.
  21. im merely curious here... anyone know what kind of cuff eagle offers on customs? say i wanted an x72 cuff on a ppf body, or just short cuffs on the ppf, would they do something like that at the retail level?
  22. these came today. i think custom ppfs are up next. i think gloves are becoming a problem... http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg177/a...49/000_0032.jpg
  23. i dont remember south kent having gear as nice as that when i played against them 13 years ago.
  24. im pretty sure andy moog used one for a while in his bruin days...
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