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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by acollette49

  1. im pretty sure andy moog used one for a while in his bruin days...
  2. http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg177/a...49/100_1447.jpg one90 pros u. of michigan one90 pros from eastwest old nylon hgts.
  3. june of '44! the 'anatomy of sharks' ep is one of the best things ever.
  4. i got my car (07 impreza wagon) for a little over 18k. awesome to drive, great quality, awd...
  5. just got an 07 impreza. wagon. its got 27 miles on it.
  6. new stuff: gloves: prostock mission he750s skates: graf 735s
  7. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/145/359468183_9a19264982.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/125/359468189_55a00422dd.jpg nylon hgts and pro stock nylon he750s from the monkey http://farm1.static.flickr.com/139/359468186_9060f041a1.jpg
  8. without question the cuffs on the fuels are the part i like least. the actual "body" of the glove doesnt look that different from the l-7's or the he750's, both of which i like. im not that fond of the way the cuff on the wicked line looks either. i like my gloves a little more traditional looking...
  9. those fuel gloves are vile. its hard to believe the company that made the m-1's and the l-7's came up with that. ewww.
  10. helmet: bauer 5000 shoulders: sherwood 5030 elbows: old jofas pants: easton air 4000s shins: easton airs gloves: nylon tps hgts skates:ccm vector 7s sticks: tps response plus 2 pro stock mission flyweight standards 1 pro stock mission flyweight taper blades: 2 synergy sts and 4 mission prostocks (yashin, 281, and 2 051s)
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